I can't believe you

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( same outfits ☝)

( same day) ( 10 mimutes before Nancy and Skylar got to Lisa's)

-Lisa's POV-

I'm in the living room watching tv waiting Nancy and Skylar to get here then there's a knock at the door.

That better not be Clayton I say to myself getting up and walk to the door opening it to see Skylar's mom Nina.

Hey she says smiling, hi I replie giving her a small smile.

What you doing here? I ask, well since Skylar is gonna be hanging out with her friends after school I decided if you wanted to hang she says.

Um, sure I replie letting her move outta the way so she walks in, want something to drink? I ask her.

Water, thanks she replies so I nod and walk into the kitchen, shit, Nancy and Skylar is gonna be here any minute I say ti myself grabbing the water bottle from the fridge.

I walk back into the living room to see Nina looks at a piece of paper so I walk up behind her to see it's gonna drawing of him, Nancy, Skylar and I and Skylar and I are holding hands.

Shit I whisper then she sees me, is this you and Skylar? She ask pointing at Skylar and I.

My eyes go wide um.... I say.

( when Nancy and Skylar get there)

-Skylar's POV-

I'm not gonna ask you again, are you two dating? Mom ask me with her striked voice.

I swallow the lump in my throat  looking at Lisa then her again so I breath in and out.

Yes I say calmly so she walks around the couch walking up to me grabbing me by my shirt.

You two are never allowed to see each other ever agian she tells Lisa and I, and if I ever catch you with my daughter I'll throw your ass in jail for basically rape on a minor mom tells Lisa.

Mom don't, I wanted it I tell her, shut up Skylar she tells me while we walk out the door.

I sigh looking back at Lisa and Nancy to see Lisa crying and Nancy trying to comfort her.

We walk to her car while she opens the passenger door and pushes me in, she also gets in starting it and starts to head home.

We get home and let me tell you it was the most awkward car ride ever so we both get out.

We walk inside while she let's go of my shirt while she makes me sit on the couch.

I can't believe you Skylar, I thought you were smarter than this! she basically yells.

It's not a big deal mom, I'm almost 18 I replie, that doesn't matter she says with it getting quite.

Did you two have sex? She ask, I sit here not saying anything Skylar! She yells so I nod my head.

She sighs I don't know what's the big deal, I wanted it, it's not like she made me or anything I tell her standing up.

She looks at me like I'm stupid that doesn't matter, she can go to jail for a every long time she says.

I mean what I said if I catch you two together, I will call the cops on her she tells me.

Your grounded till Christmas she continues walking off, huh, I thought she would be more pissed off I say to myself.

I sigh and head upstairs to my room, I get to my room and slam my door shut and flop myself onto my bed and start crying.

-Lisa's POV-

It's gonna be alright mom Nancy tells me in my ear, I pull away from her will you watch Finn when he gets home? I ask her.

Of course she replies while I grab my car keys, I'll be back I tell her walking out of the front door.

I walk to my car getting in and start it backing out and head to the beach, I get to the beach and park in a parking spot and start sobbing.

The only one person that made me feel special got tooken away from me, I knew it was to go to be true I say to myself still sobbing.

( later that night)

I hear a knock at my door so I sigh come in I say not looking away from my laptop.

I made you a sandwich mom says, thanks I mumble while she says it next to me.

Look I know your upset but it's for the best she tells me wrapping her arms around my neck and hug me from behind and kisses my cheek.

I roll my eyes to myself while she pulls away I love you she says but I ignore her then I hear her leave closing the door.

I sigh looking at the sandwich then continue to do what I was doing.

-Nancy's POV-

After dinner mom just went straight to her room after she kissed Finn for bed so I'm the one putting him to bed.

Is mommy okay? He ask while I try and find him a shirt, of course she is I replie lying.

Then why didn't she put me to bed? She ask again, I told her I wanted to put you two bed I tell him finding him a shirt and walk up to him.

Why? He questions putting it on, because I love you silly I say while he lays down and I cover him.

Now go to sleep, I love you I continue kissing the top of his head, I love you too he replies while he turns over so I walk up to the door shutting off his light and close the door.

I walk past my mom's room and I can hear her crying so I sigh and walk into my room closing the door.

I can't believe this actually happen and I get why mom wants to stay away from Skylar because I don't want my mom go to jail either.

Chapter 1 done, sorry for for any spelling msitakes. This is the first chapter of be alright sqeaul to my girlfriends mom, what will happen in the next chapter? Read more to find out.

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