Chapter Three

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"-I've always felt alone, my whole life. For as long as I can remember. I don't know if I like it or... if I'm just used to it. But I do know this: Being lonely does things to you. And feeling shit and bitter and angry all the time just... eats away at you.

I don't feel like writing today but for some reason, I want to. It's like I woke up this morning in a totally different world. As if I had no idea where I was. This is a book after all, let's get into the story then, shall we? I remember that I had been dreaming, if you could call it that, about the day I was... hit.

It happened all too quickly. I remember the sound of an engine, a couple of blinding headlights. Maybe a screech of metal on metal. I was scared, more than I've ever felt in my life. And then everything went dark. I never saw the driver... probably some drunk bastard, doing it as a joke. I wasn't laughing... Next thing I knew, I was drugged up on anaesthetics in a hospital bed, paralysed, waking up from a bad nightmare. Oh, I wish it had all been a nightmare...

The world seems like an entirely different place now. I know that nothing is ever going to be the same again. I sometimes question where the fuck I am but it's just me. So, I know I won't be getting any answers any time soon. I guess I'm used to that now, though.

Our street is filled with cats, we're known for them. Just wondering the roads, minding their own business. I'm actually quite fond of them, the stray ones, that is. I suppose it's because I feel like I can relate to them. But the strange thing is, when I 'woke up'... not a single cat was walking the streets. Not down the alleys, not near the shops. But it got weirder than that: not only were the cats gone, the entire population was gone too. All of the cars seemed to have stopped in the middle of the roads, shops and houses still had elecrticity running through them but not a person to be found and it sounded as if the transport links were still running. What surprised me the most was how realistic it all seemed. I guessed that the only thing I could do was look around for a bit. What's the harm in that? It's not like anyone is going to stop me so I might as well do as I please. I knew I had a knife with me. Eh... that's a long story that I'd rather keep to myself. I'm not proud of it. I made my way into the subway. The trains seemed to be running so I thought that this was the best place to start.  As I took a walk down the stairways, I knew that something was up. I could hear...breathing? And I'm more than certain that it wasn't my own. And there was this ambience that broke the silence, kind of like wind in a tunnel or something. And then I turned the corner. Fuck me... I've come to regret that now. A locked door was the only feature in the corridor. I'm assuming it was locked but I didn't dare check. No, it's not because I'm a pussy. But if you saw and heard what I experienced, you would have done the same thing too. Panting... no, gasping sounds came from behind it. Somebody was trapped... and they wanted out. The walls, dripping with scarlet blood and other fluids shouted: 'heLP ME', as if they were BEGGING for help. And the screaming... I couldn't shake it out of my head. I turned to run, I needed to get out. To just... get away! Go anywhere but here. And now. The blood covered walls, the agonising screams, the following silent ambience. Things just changed but, why? What happened to the peace of the abandoned city? I ran away from the path I had just come from but... no matter how many steps I took, I just couldn't get out. I couldn't run. For ten-ish minutes, I think I was running before I noticed that there was a hammer on the floor in front of me. Strange, I know. It kinda felt like my thoughts at the time, these strange occurrences that keep hammering themselves into my head. And it hurt... like fuck. The hammering got louder and louder but the more it went on, the closer it became. I was nervous yet, for some reason, curious too. Who wouldn't be, if they woke up in a world of... whatever the fuck this is? One last hammer from out of my sight made a door crash down behind me. I turned and came face to face with something I can only describe as 'HOLY SHIT, WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!' A humanoid creature? It's body looked human enough but somehow, not at all either. It's head was distorted and mutilated, twitching and turning around it's neck. The whole thing, covered in dry blood. It held a hammer that looked like the one I saw a moment ago. I turned. The hammer was gone. And then it swung it's arm, launching it's body at me as we fell to the floor. I was pinned to the ground, this... thing, on top of me. Twitching. I didn't even think. 2 slashes to it's throat and it was down. A lot of people said I had monsters in my mind but... this is just insane! "I-I've gotta call the police..." Usually, I'd never call for help, but I had no idea whatsoever of what to do on my own... "Damn it! No signal..." I should have guessed, if course there's nobody here. There was nothing I could recognise in this world any more. Nothing familiar. It was just me. All alone. Stuck in the middle of this mess. A nightmare that just keeps going on. This is my life. And I know I'm fucked.

Everyone around me,

All of them, monsters.

And they were all looking for me...


( The Stranger might represents how Simon's book is starting to take a toll on him by hurting him because of recollecting all those memories and causing pain to his emotions. Also, it could represent the stranger who crashed his car against Simon, causing him to be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.)

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