Chapter Four

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"-Doc told me to write about my thoughts and feelings. Do you want to know how I'm feeling? Worse than shit. That's how I'm feeling. My mom's been texting me non-stop for about a week now. 'Come home, Simon'. 'I'm worried'. 'I really want to see you, please talk to me.' Worried? Bullshit. What kind of mother says they're worried and NEVER ONCE comes to visit her son when she's been told time upon fucking time about my condition? What kind of parent ABANDONS their child when they need comfort the most? What kind of 'sweet', 'caring' mom... breaks their child's... already broken... heart...? It makes me sick. Fuck you, mom. If this is how much you care, maybe I should never have been born. I wish that was the case most of the time…

Not than anyone reading this cares. You just want me to get back to the story. Fine. You all look down on my anyways, I’m just your little… story telling entertainer. A puppet. It’s not like I can go anywhere thanks to my fucking broken legs! Shit… now I’m crying again… I’m just… I’m just so fed up. But like I said… back to the story. I can’t stop now anyway, who knows, maybe it’ll get better in the end… right? Every story has a happy ever after or some crap like that… Chin up, and all…

Well, that sounded like soppy bullshit, huh? Nah, I’m gonna leave it for a bit. I don’t feel like typing some shit that you get off on right now. I’ll probably come back later and scribble some shit up for you guys’ pleasure…

Okay, I think I’m a little better now. Sorry about that, mood swings and shit. On with the story: I was kinda shaken up about the whole ‘ambushing-monster-thing-that-tried-to-kill-me’ situation. Don’t tell me that wouldn’t have freaked you too, I swear to god… The city was the same but for some reason I just didn’t where to go or what to do. And Faversholm isn’t that big of a city so not knowing where to go is weird, I mean there are signs… literally everywhere. I guessed that my best chance was to go up to the centre of the lights and markets. Where the shops were. Right into the heart of the city. There had to be others here, it couldn’t be just me… God, I hoped it wasn’t just me. It really got to me at that moment. What about mom? Wait a sec… no, that’s not right. I was on really bad terms with her but… No. No, I was defiantly feeling worried for her. My phone wasn’t buzzing with texts from her every second and knowing my mom, that’s something to worry about… I guess the city is my next chance of hope. Through the alleyways and crappy side roads was the only way to go but I didn't have much of a choice. Kinda like now... -"

(The Taller could represent how Simon feels about people that can walk. Like how they "whack Simon, and walk and stomp on him". Since Simon is handicapped, he may feel everyone is "Taller" than him because of his disabilities.)

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