Chapter Five

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“-"Dear Diary. When I’m older, I want to get the camera like the one I saw on TV. Dad said he doesn’t like when I talk about the photography job because it’s ‘stupid’. Actually now I think, I haven’t seen him for a while. Mom won’t say why though she just said that he won’t be back for a bit. I’m glad, I never like him that much anyway. He used to break all the little digital cameras I had to photograph with as well. The last time he was here he broke them all and then left. Haven’t seen him since. I don’t know where mom was when he came back but the house was usually silent after he was home. I think she was in her room with him. I wonder if he hit her? Neither of us liked it when he hit us. He liked it even less when I hit him back. Maybe I’m doing something wrong? At least I wasn’t like my cat. Dad hit him with the car last week and I didn’t see Stig since. I hope he’s okay… Getting hit by a car looks like it really hurts, I don’t know what I would do if I was hit. But otherwise, I’m still saving up for another camera. A really good one this time. I can’t tell dad though, not after last time. So don’t tell anyone! Shhhh!“

Just looking through some old crap today… Books and stuff from my old room when I was a little kid. I… uh… I found my journal. Now, I was just a little kid so sorry for the shit writing. I was actually still learning English at the time ‘cause my mom made me and she said that learning another language would be good for me or… something. I never really saw the point. I mean, it seems easy enough now but, basically nobody back in my hometown knew it. I grew up in Faversholm for crying out loud. It’s a pretty small city and… it’s in Sweden. It wasn’t like I was going to move away or anything. I did get pretty good though… Better than some people's grammar, even the people that live there! Sorry, I’m showing off a little here… Being bilingual is actually pretty sick.

I guess that’s kinda distracting you from the truth though, huh? Yeah… In case you couldn’t tell by now because you are an utter moron, my dad wasn’t exactly the nicest person to be around. I guess that, since he’s gone, I can finally tell the truth. My father was a dangerous, selfish, drunk asshole that used to beat me and my mum every night when he came home from work as a shop clerk. Yeah, shitty job, I know. My mom was the one that earned money for our ‘family’ since, as I started to grow up, life started to go downhill. dad left. Mom got older. I got… mental… things… that I don’t want to talk about. More family issues and stuff… And then there’s the whole, being hit by a car thing. Wow. I’m no better off than my cat… My old cat.

Okay, I was a shit writer. Let’s go back to that. I hope I’m not that bad now… Oh, uh… Sorry for the irrelevant chapter here. I just thought it would please Purnell to write about my childhood a little… I’m still kinda dreaming for the future a little to be honest… Photography has always been a hobby of mine and it’s not like you need legs to work a camera. Now, I’m not saying it’s an easy thing to do either. You’ve gotta really look for the best things to snap. It’s kinda like… picking out those white marks in a totally black room. If you can see those as clearly as I can, you’d know what I mean. But then again, I am trying to sound like an expert, so… I guess I’ll shut up now. That’s all for today.-“

(The Children don't have too much relevance with Simon, but they're more directed to the pedophile/serial killer that used to live in the same building as the children.*)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2014 ⏰

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