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Disclaimer: I own Harry Potter, that is why I'm currently writing a fanfiction

Hadrian watched his family celebrate his brother's birthday, he watched as people danced around the ball room celebrating the 10th year of their salvation from the Dark Lord's wrath.

Not all people in the ball room had been in the same side of the war. No. More than 1/4th of the people had been in the opposite side of the war, but that hardly mattered. It didn't matter to the minister who was toasting to the light's victory, it didn't matter to the boy-who-lived who blushed furiously as Daphne Greengrass asked him for a dance.

Why would it?

The war was won and the dangerous convicts were in Azkaban suffering a lifelong sentence with the dementors. Everything was well and nobody cared, not about him and not about the war. But people say, they have said and they will continue to say:

Hush child,

yesterday's gone

hush child,

today is a new dawn

hush child,

you're safe with me

hush child,

no demon will stray towards thee.

But one must always remember, that forgetting would not erase the event. No. Forgetting will only make the event come again.

As the demons say: history will repeat itself as soon as the people forget.

So child,

remember to not forget.



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