You make my heart shake, bend and break...

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Ginny Weasley has been labelled as the Gryffindor queen shortly after her second year of being a Hogwarts student. She was the most beautiful, most wanted in Gryffindor and that is what made her the queen. Being a queen was hard, harder than anyone would believe it to be, it required you to be at your best always and forever. Being a queen meant being aware of your surroundings and being aware of yourself, it required you to be on your guard and ready for attacks verbal and physical. Ginny had been attacked by every kind of weapon during her reign as queen, but none of the attackers knew her true weak spot. She'd learned to show them fake ones so that wouldn't be able to see her true weak spot, Tom had taught her that.

He had betrayed her in the end but he had taught her so much. So much that she almost hated John for killing him, no, she hated John for killing him. Tom helped Ginny by stopping her jealousy from showing he told her the importance of her mask, he was a bastard but he was a good one.

He was so much like green eyes yet so.... different.

'Tom was powerful and so was green eyes,' Ginny couldn't help but think. 'Both of them were leaders and both of them had the face that could charm angles.' And Ginny was no angle. 

"Ginny!" Parvati Patil's voice broke broke her line of thoughts and Ginny straightened her back and turned sharply towards her friend. 

"The three princes are at it again," Ginny nodded her thanks to Parvati and turned to look at the aristocratic Draco Malfoy twirling his wand, the popular John Potter seething with rage and the delicately beautiful face of Hadrian Potter leaning against a library shelf his green eyes shining with amusement. 

Green eyes...

The longing in Ginny's heart grew as she watched the Slytherin, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw princes play their game. Knowing that her Green eyes wouldn't participate in this game, but somehow he'll still be the winner. Because:

A true ruler never participates in a game, 

For he knows that he has won all the games that truly matter.

A true ruler knows the pain of a loss,

He knows that only he can make himself lose.

That is a true rulers power.

Hadrian was and always will be a true ruler and she would watch him shake, bend and break his enemies. She would watch as he shook, bend and broke her heart. Because:

A true queen never lowers her guard

She knows that no bodyguard guards a defenceless queen 

She looks at the world with the eye of God

Always to watch but never to interfere

That is her task as a queen

This is her payment for life on the throne.

No benefit she gains but the benefit of the Name

But some would argue that the Name is the greatest power of all.

A true queen never questions her king

She watches him silently carve his path 

Always helping him in times of threat

But becoming a silent watcher in the end

All this for the Name.


Disclaimer: The poems are mine, the characters are not mine

Sorry for the long wait. This one is for Hinny(Ginny X Harry) shippers. So if the majority wants that ship it will be the main pairing in this story, but I am still keeping a one sided(or two sided, depends on your choice) tomarry ship in honor of UndyingBellona the first person to comment on the choose your ship chapter.

Thank you everyone! Comment, Vote, choose your ship and have a nice day/night!

Please Vote for this poor writer. *queue puppy face *

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