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She was a masterpiece

She has a long tangerine curly hair who always follow where the wind blows

She has plump bee-stung lips and a edge-sharp jaw

She was as soft as algae yet sometimes she was as bold as trial tint

She could go where ever she wants and change the atmosphere

She was star collector

She had every galaxies inside her ocean eyes

She was your milkyway;

She was your neutrino

She was exquisite

-you could not help it

She was the one who wiped your tears when you were crying in the bathroom floor after midnight

She wore happiness from every laugh in the world as her gown and every sadness as her robe

Her crown made by every conquest on the land,

-the jewels made by every jealousy and egoistic

She was so small yet so powerful and closer than any other blood vessel in your pulse

She could make you fall in love with a stranger who accidentally bump your shoulder in the crowded

Nevertheless, She could make every spouse with more than centuries love story broke their bond because of their own selfishness

She was the truth of the light who illuminate you in your way home

She was so strong and weak at the same time

She was so courageous;

Till you came and touch her krypton

Now she is nothing more than stargazer

Her chronicle is pseudoscience



(I've been published it on my social media, and changed it a bit)

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