The Beautiful Angel {Atty Awards}

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The Angel wept a beautiful song,

Of hope and lost love for a while long.

Then she stretched her feathery wings wide,

And flew to her haven where she would hide.

She hid from civility so a tear she could shed,

She hid from the demons that lived in her head.

She rested upon her silver wings,

And dreamt of more delicate, pleasant things.

And soon when dawn broke over her beautiful bodice,

She raised gracefully, as perfect as a goddess.

She flew from her refuge, determined to fill her role,

In finding her other half, that other lost soul.

She searched everywhere, far and broad,

Till she found another angel, her elegance awed.

They took each other's hands, and melted into the night sky,

Joyfully they beat their wings in the night air, and flew moon high.

The Beautiful Angel {Atty Awards}Where stories live. Discover now