Chapter 10

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And as I had always kept it,
The light died down slowly.


"The Waters invited us for dinner?" Mrs. Hayes looked flattered. "What could this possibly be for?"

"They wanted to discuss the article that Father's writing: about their recent contribution to the health fund in the town." Quinn answered. "If it isn't too much, at least."

"Of course not!" His mother said cheerfully. "How did you get this news?"

"They live next door, so Mrs. Waters pulled me over after school and told me to invite my family over to dinner tomorrow evening."

"This could be a good chance," his Father nodded. "Writing about the Waters could give me a raise, considering how respected they are in town."

"True, true." His Mother agreed. "If you can get into contact with them, tell them we'll make it."

  Quinn nodded, hiding his enthusiasm. "Will do."


Once Quinn had seen Violet's message on her window that Mr. and Mrs. Waters had approved of having his family for dinner, he grinned, pumping his fist into the air and immediately bolted down the stairs to tell his parents about it. Once he got his approval, he wrote it on his board and left it on his window for Violet to see, her having a similar reaction to his when she got her approval.

"Think this is really gonna work?" He asked in doubt.

"Getting them and us under the same roof is as far as we can go. It's up to the gods, or rather, us." Violet wrote. "We have to make ourselves presentable, so they don't have an excuse to keep hunting us down."

"I can do that," he answered. "As long as my parents don't go nuts before they get anywhere."

"I'll hide somewhere until your family gets into the house, you could do the same. We have to make sure they don't leave right away when they see us."

"Got it." He nodded. "Guess it's all coming down tomorrow. See you then."


Violet made sure she dressed herself well that evening. She had to prove to the Hayes' that even someone like her could be friends with someone as hardworking as Quinn.

I can't believe we're actually doing this, Violet sighed. It's not like we're dating, for God's sake, we just want to be friends.

She jumped once she heard the doorbell ring. Quietly walking down the swirling stairs, she hid behind a corner of the hallway.

"You must be the Hayes, welcome to the Waters' household." A maid greeted the same way she did Violet when she first entered the house. "Mr. and Mrs. Waters are in the dining room."

Violet could hear the comments of Quinn's parents made about the organized household and hid in a room once she heard their voices approaching. Once they passed by her, she opened the door, Quinn noticing her leave the room. He nodded at her before leaving to follow his parents, and she nodded back in reply, following them towards the dining room once they entered.


"What is he doing here?"

"Never mind that, what is she doing here?"

Mrs. Waters and Mrs. Hayes had similar reactions when Quinn and Violet came out of hiding. Instead of being scared about what consequences their guardians could possibly give them, they only looked at each other, determined.

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