Chapter 21

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Like a dove flying to a distant land,
Without a care in its mind.


The snow outside had never calmed down since the beginning of the month. Despite this, Mount Evergreen refused to have any snow days. They couldn't afford the students missing a day, or the entire school will be a class behind in each of their courses. As much as the students themselves understood this, they all continued to hope for a lucky day when the school board decides to have mercy on them.

"Scarlettview's just the same as ever today, huh?" Violet sighed.

"No point in complaining, this is our last week till the winter break." Quinn reminded her. "You can feel free to stay at home for the next two weeks after that."

"It's kind of disappointing how we still have classes on Christmas Eve." She pointed out. "I'm usually let off a few days before that in Paris."

"Even if you were homeschooled almost all your life?"

"Homeschooled or school-schooled, all students deserve a break. It was the same at the international school, too."

Quinn chuckled. "Yup, definitely. Maybe I won't stay at home all winter break, though."

"Really?" She asked. "How come? You hate leaving your house, never mind your room. You're visiting family members?"

"Er, no, but I wanted to get you a Christmas gift."

"A Christmas gift?" She tilted her head to the side. "No, no, you don't need to get me one, plus you already got me something for my birthday—"

"I am not counting a pen as a gift."

"But it was so cute!"


"Erm, how about the bookmark you got me the other day?" She suggested.

"That was just on the spur of the moment." He argued. "I want to put more thought into it."

"Fair enough." She surrendered. "But if you're getting me something, I'm giving you a gift, too."

"Good luck with that." He challenged her. "Like I've said before, I don't have a lot of interests."

"Sure you do!" She protested. "You recently started asking me about clothes and such, and, uh, what else was there...?"

Violet continued to get lost in her thoughts, muttering as she pondered the possible things she could get him. Quinn on the other hand, thought about it more quietly.


  "What do boys like? Uhh..."

  "Come on, there's gotta be something you know about them." Violet said.

  "What's this for again?" Irene asked. "Is it Quinn's birthday soon?"

  "No, but I'm sure you know it's almost winter break."

  "Ah, for Christmas, I see." Irene nodded. "Well, I don't think I really know that much about boys..."

  "There's gotta be even one thing that no one can hate," Violet begged. "I haven't done this enough times to call myself experienced."

  "I think you know him well enough to get him something he'd like." Irene smiled. "Good luck~"

  Violet grunted. "Irene!"


  "Got something on your mind?"

  "What are you doing in my room anyway?"

  "Mother said to check on you, you haven't left your room since you got back." Ian said. "She's calling you down for dinner."

  "Well, tell her that I'm not hungry." Quinn replied, slightly annoyed. "I just need to figure out some things."

  "Oooh, I see." Ian raised his eyebrows. "Is it Violet?"

  "Why do you always assume I'm thinking of her?"

  "Well, she's your only friend," Ian answered. "And don't you have that crush on her...?"

  Quinn's face flushed. "N-Not necessarily..."

  "You sure about that?" Ian smirked. "You're all nervous and your face's turning red."

  "Shut up. She's my friend. It's weird."

  "OOOOkay," Ian said as he slowly made his way to the door, still not convinced. "You getting her something for Christmas?"

  "Well, that's the problem." Quinn sighed. "I don't know what to get her."

  "Easy. Take her on a date."

  Quinn did a double take once he processed what Ian had just said, almost falling off his chair. Prepared to yell at his brother, he turned around only to find that Ian left his room.



"Did you figure out what to get me yet?" Violet smirked.

"Well, not yet," Quinn replied. "But I did tell you I was gonna put more thought into it."

"Well, I on the other had already have it all figured out."

"Really? In one night?"

"Yup! And I think you're gonna love it." She smiled. "Guess I know you more than you think. And I thought you were the one who insisted on getting me something."

"Shut up. I did think about it quite a bit. I'll have it soon, just you wait."


  "Well? Have you thought about it?" Ian asked. "Or are you really gonna ask her out after all?"

  "As a matter of fact, I do have it all figured out." Quinn announced proudly. "You can stop bugging me now."

  "What're you gonna do?" Ian smirked. "Kiss her?"

  "Is this really the person you see me as?" Quinn looked at him, irritated. "And can you pipe it down with the relationship talk? Like I said: We. Are. Just. Friends."

  "If that's what you say." Ian shrugged.

  "But," Quinn sighed reluctantly. "I might need a bit of your help."

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