Chapter 5: Worst Happens

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Chapter 5

roommate finishes and now airing the last episodes. I'm back in the dorms..

weird when i was in roommate all i think is when  will i go back to exo dorm but now i felt like i just want to stay there longer, away from him.. from baekhyun.

I put all my things back at their usual places my hats, clothes, shoes and all. Everyone just left for a guesting. I looked at Baekhyun's bed and it seems like it was not touch or so long and mine seems a bit messed i sit and touched my pillow..

It's warm

I brushed off the sudden light from my heart. He have a GIRLFRIEND!! For godsake chanyeol he doesn't even like a guy. He will be just disgusted by you so stop.. i repeat it all over again and flop on my bed inhaling baekhyun's scent.. just this once i'll fantasize for him just this once and slowlt drifting


I was awoken by the faint sob and the weight of someone in my arms. I was going to stretch some limbs but stopped it felt wet and heavy on my arms. slowly opening my eyes  and saw baekhyun faintly sobbing in his sleep. His eyes are puffy and red my arms have a tear marks.

He was hugginme closely like how we used to be.

He have a girlfriend Chanyeol!!

I was startled by my own self causing me to tug my arms waking up baekhyun .. I notice he was still in his clothes earlier the show and rubbing his eyes, he looked at me with those sad eyes and i grit my teeth.

" uhhm.. i'm sorry.. are you comfortable sleeping there?" i asked akwardly trying to calm my nerves

" yes" he said soflty

" then i should be sleeping on the upper one" i said and climb on the 2nd bunk bed

" wait-"

"goodnight" i said in a low tone and lay down.


I opened my eyes in and felt my body feels so heavy and tired. I went down the bunk bed and saw baekhyun's laptop on. i looked at it and saw he was looking at his Instagram Updates. i was widen eyed when i saw all the posts ..

" so disappointing baekhyun oppa!!"
" i hate you now!!"
" you just gained popularity and used it on your self-fish desires!!!"

I was so shocked and grab my phone opening my instagram. and saw fans tagging a pic of me and baekhyun with a meme .. saying " baekhyun betrayed chanyeol" .. at first i agreed on what the meme says but it hurts me more that the people who once love baek is now his haters. I heard the door opening and quickly act as if i was just coming down of the bunk bed baekhyun came inside bags under his eyes and he seems paler than usual.. I walk on the dining area and saw sehun, luhan, kai and suho hyung eating their breakfast while D.o put the pancakes down the table. I sit ib my usual sit and grab a pancake for my self

" he didn't eat again?" Suho suddenly speak and everyone gloomed..

" it' his 2 consecutive weeks only eating some waffle and water he sometimes don't finish it" D o said after i looked for some answers.. I grabbed a plate and put 4 pancakes in pour some syrup and grab a bottle of milk and water making my way inside the room and saw baekhyun lying down on my bed ..

"eat" i said as i put down the plates beside him .. he looked at it as if just nothing ..

" i'm not hungry" he said . he was shocked when i pulled him in a sitting posistion and put the plate on his lap.

" i don't want to eat chanyeol!" he shouted and i give him a stern look ..

" eat, if i was taeyeon noona and my boyfriend is killing himself like this i will be very mad now eat" i said .. And he just looked at me, eyes pained.

There was a huge urge of me to hug him but held my ground. I was about to leave when his phone ring he immedeatly answered it after seeing the caller's ID.

" hello? "- baekhyun

" baekhyun, youngmin wants us on his office tonight"

" what does he wants? "

" i don't know... "

" ok see you taeyeon noona"

I flinched after hearing who is he calling i looked at my feet and walk outside i went inside the music room and opened the PC putting on the headphone and volume the song at the max volume..

I'm so stupid. even though it is just a 1 sided  love i never give up.. Ever since the first time i saw him, i knew since then i have feelings for him, but never had the courage to tell him, Kyungsoo and kai are in a relationship now, Luhan-hyung and sehunnie,Chen and umin- hyung.. Lay hyung and suho hyung are in good state , Tao still have a communication with Kris hyung..While me?!, a pure Friend zone and One Sided..

Stupid Cupid didn't even bother giving me a love life.. I was pouring my hearts out in listening music when someone tapped my shoulder. I looked at tao and he sit beside me ..

" hey you seems down ever since you come back" he said and i just smiled bitterly aside from D.o Tao knows my feelings for baek. Even tao looks fragile at times he is still a strong charismatic guy. He gives me some advice about baek cause he knows baek more, and i owe him big time.

" just tired" i said and he looked at me. worried filled his eyes.

" don't gimme that look your way more need than me " i said as he chuckle lightly .

" kris is just apart but didn't leave, he is still there but baekhyun " He stopped for a moment and take a deep breath

" He's Breaking Chanyeol, someone need to save him before worst Happens" he talked silently.


Supee late upload Boom!!.
college is Hassle and i'm starting to hate my previous advance grammar proffesor .. Urghh!!!

anyway COmment and VOte is strongly appreciated ..

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