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"Mrs. Smith?"

"Yeah, that's me." My eyes narrowed at the two cops that were standing in front of me on the doorstep. I tightened my grip around me as the cold entered the house, it was the end of September so it was no surprise that it started to get a bit chilly. I looked behind them and noticed their car parked in the driveway where my dad's car is usually parked. Judging from the lack of my dad's car and the sympathy lacing their features, deep down I know what is about to come.

"We are sorry to inform you this, but your father got into a car accident and died instantly." My breath hitched in my throat, relief and sadness coursed through my body, "he was intoxicated with alcohol and drove straight into a light pole going through the front window causing instant death."

I nodded numbly at them, and noticed their surprise at my lack of tears. I swallowed my emotions and brushed my hair out of my face, "what now?"

"Uhm, do you have any other families you could stay with?"

"No, my mother walked out couple of years ago and we lost contact with the rest of the family along time ago as well," I answered putting on a blank face masking any emotions. You probably think I am a heartless bitch from not getting all emotional about my father's death, but I guess that's what happens when all your family walks out on you and your father becomes abusive and makes your life a living hell for the past 3 years or so.

"Well then, according to your files, your parents put down two names as your guardians, Caroline and Harris King. You will have to stay with them until you turn 18 and after that you can go and live your independent life."

I vaguely recognize the names, but have no memory of them and I was not sure if it was a good idea and go live with people who I probably have never met before. I looked anywhere but them, avoiding their eye-contact not wanting to acknowledge their sympathy and pity. I hate it when people look at me like that.

I cleared my throat and tightening my grip around my jumper trying to block the cold out, "is there no one else I can live with?"

"I am sorry Mrs. Smith, but that wouldn't be possible considering we don't know where your family is let alone even if they are still alive for that matter," I looked at them and exhaled loudly trying to keep my emotions intact or whatever. "We already got in-touch with them and informed them about your situation, and they told us that they will be here by tomorrow in time to attend the funeral. More details will be discussed between you and the Kings when they arrive here."

"Okay, thank you officers," I said as my hand gripped the door ready to close the door as soon as they step off the doorstep.

"We apologize again for your loss," one of them muttered as they nodded goodbye, I barely looked at them as I shut the door.

I exhaled loudly and swallowed my emotions still not comprehending that my entire family either left me or walked out on me. I rested my body on the door and laid my head on it looking up at the ceiling. Tears brimmed my eyes as all the emotions that I tried to bury the past years, started surfing again. The pain of the accident that caused the only person that meant so much to me, was ripped away from my life years ago, the anger and pain when my so called mom stepped foot outside that house permanently and the fact that that bastard of a sperm donor will be buried six feet under the ground in matter of days because he couldn't keep his alcohol under check. And from all these emotions that I have been trying to bury caused the one thing that I have been trying to avoid happened.

I cracked.

I cried.

And I screamed. I screamed out my frustration, pain and the agony that was laced with it. I screamed out the pain that has been haunting me for the past years. I screamed out my nightmares and my worst memories.

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