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" Wait Alexa"
"What's wrong Mckenna" I looked at her as I forrowed my eyebrows while staring into her light blue eyes which showed hints of green from time to time.

She opened her mouth in an oval shape as she hinted that I opened up, while eyeing her perfume
I mirrored her action and opened my mouth.
Mckenna sprayed her perfume in,
I began coughing loudly as the gases that the perfume was comprised of floated through my lungs causing me to cough uncontrollably.

"What was that for"
I yelled while I removed th loc of my hair that drapped across my face as a result of my prior frantic movement.
Mckenna chuckled quietly to herself while looking at me as I stared at her waiting for a response.

She then answered in a sarcastic yet optimistic tone.
" you'll thank me later rattling number 3"
I looked at her as I Furrowed my eyesbrows as I was evidently confused.

Mckenna then spun around and upon doing so her kinky coily curls bounced making use of the air as if it was merely a trampoline, upon doing so her slender figure then disappeared into the hallway.

As her figure was completely out of site.
My heart rate rose quickly , I began breathing eratically as I took rapid breaths as my mind strayed to my upcoming meeting with Caleb.

I blinked a couple times hoping that this was a nightmare and that I would soon wake up from it but before I shut my eyes blinking just one more time
An unfamiliar voice questioned my actions.

" Hey is everything ok, what exactly are you doing"
My eyes quickly arose looking up at a strange yet familiar face.
It was Jessie, he was my lab partner in chemistry, besides that, he was always nice to me, but at the same time him being distant most of time placed a barrier from everyone around him and he once told me that he has a crush on Mc.

*Mckenna is so picky I'm nervous to set them up*.

His eyebrows arose in a quizical format.
His locs layed across his perfectly round face as his blue eyes dazzling in the light never left mines.

I stuttered in my speech as I replied nervously " oh uhm nothing I was just..erm.. I was just waiting for mckenna?" I said it as though I was questioning my own lies, yet relieved all at the same time.

*I think I need speech theraphy*

He looked at me confused while drawing in close and I felt a bit at discomfort as he looked at my facial features. Never stopping to blink not even once.

" ring, ring, ring" I spat out pretending that there was an incoming call from Mckenna
I hinted that I had to go using this as an escape route.

He smiled so softly, his cheek caving in making a perfectly curved dimple, I almost blushed at the site.
" Well i'll see you around alexa" he said while turning away and running as he continued on to his initial journey.

I was quickly hit with reality when I remembered why I was nervous in the first place.

I took hold of the library door as I yanked for it to open. I stepped in feeling my heart pounding as it was ready to escape.
I looked around as I felt a piercing stare coming from the left side of the room.

I quickly glanced and I immediately made eye contact with him, by him I meant Caleb, I actually thought he was going to stand me up. but he didn't and I internally blushed.

Caleb's soft light brown eyes lurking around my body sending ice cold chills up my spine.

Caleb's index finger arose and ordered my near presence. I walked slowly, dragging my feet as though some unknown source of friction was holding me back.

Upon nearing him he began tapping his thigh initiating that I reside there
I began shaking my head using my non-verbals to express how much I didnt want to.

" I dont bite " he replied with a smirk look plastered across his face.
" I didnt think you did" I replied jokingly, but I actually did believe he would bite. I then made my way over, my body squealing as I slowly lowered my body and made myself awkwardly comfortable on his lap.

" So uhm what was it that you needed to tell me" I said as my vocals wavered in nervousness.
My scrawny fingers latched unto my pencil which I kept in my back right pocket, which I placed in case I needed to stab him if he tried any funny business.

" I want to make a request" he said as he moved closer to me just as he had done before leaving little to no space between us.

" and what would that be?" I questioned while trying to hide how nervous I was.

He smirked at me before continuing.

" fun fact it's going to benefit us both, Im going to help you and you're socially dead friend Mckala or whatever her name is"he said while laughing smugly.

" and your taking on my social case for what may I ask" I became defensive although I knew he was dead correct.

" Well my friends and I made a bet that I can make any girl my girlfriend and make her worthy of my status and well Simmons chose you and I don't say no to a bet."

"And I never say no to a bet." He said as he raised his eyebrows in a determined order.

"So what do you say Alaya, are you in" He said while stroking my face gently.

* Damn I think he was erasing my ugliness*

I looked around, at a lost of words. I opened my mouth trying to formulate or at least construct a valid reply but not a squeak came out.

* Not even a friggin the*
* heck you would swear I was impaired*

" Before I agree to anything its Alexa not Alaya and McKenna not Mckayla ."
, " let me be real with you, yes I may not be much or popular or heck even amount to much, I can't say yes to this, not today or any other day for a matter of fact."

I said this all why shaking, I should have known better. What would the high school prince Caleb Pierre, every girls dream guy , Top A student want with me, this socially impaired cockroach.

* Damn I feel stupid*

I pushed against his chest using this as a mean of relieving myself of his grasp, with the exact same speed he pulled me back it was just like the movement of an artery stretching and recoiling.

" Did you really think I'd let you go that easily Alexa" Caleb said this while entangling his muscular arms around my tiny body and giving me a evil smirk all while looking drop dead gorgeous.

" Im gonna have you one way or another ". He shouted while gnashing his teeth together.

**This is the end of chapter 2.
I hope you guys like it .... to be honest im just writing with a flow one that is comprised of my own personal experiences.

Thanks for the support guys
Xoxo - amycloud7

I look forward to part 3
I hope you do too.
So what is gonna happen is Alexa gonna

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