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"Ok, first of all stalker much,what are you doing here?" I said as I stuttered in amazement and retraced my steps hoping that I could just disappear from his ridiculing eyes.

*He was seeing my flicking mess of a body*

His eyes wandered around my body for what seemed like eternity before he finally answered.

"Well you did give me your number anddddddd I searched up your location" he spat out while feeling good about his achievement to be a full on stalker.

"Caleb the stalker, yup that fits you perfectly, didn't you say that this is over.?" I muttered while knitting my fingers.

*oh mom is probably freaking out after all he is the only guy i've ever brought home. Well in this case I didn't bring him he brought his damn self*

"Wait,wait pause Alexa you have a boyfriend?" My mom questioned me as her eyebrows arose in confusion, while her eyes deflected between me and Jones highs stud muffin.

"Mom you see the thing is-" before I could explain what this crazy situation actually was, Caleb sprinted to my side and took a hold of my waist and said " yes I am, we have been dating for 2 months now and I think your daughter is the one and we both decided that it was time I met the queen that made my princess"

* I mentally threw up *
*princess thats so corny*

"Mom I should have told you sooner but I was waiting for the best time, to introduce you to my pwueheheince." I puked on the word prince. I wasn't into the sappy stuff.

"What was that baby?" Caleb said as he looked at me and threw up this devilish smirk.

* If this little goatling felt I was going to say prince he lie, Not I, not this*

"He is my uhm my uhm or yeah mom Mckenna's mom and dad won't be here for the weekend and I suggested that rather than staying at home with Adrian whose probably going to be partying all weekend she could stay here" I said in a suggestive tone.
While drawing the attention off of Caleb and I.

"Of course she can stay Alexa, how has she been I felt like I haven't seen her in ages tell her aunty misses her" my mom replied while embracing herself in a hug, like Mckenna wasn't here just like tuesday.

*yup hugging herself, queen weirdo"

"Mom Mckenna was here just like what tuesday, sometimes I think you wish that she was your daughter. I spat out while rolling my eyes into my brain.

*not literally in my Head Head*

"Not meaning to interupt Alexa, But we have school pretty soon and you're still in your jammies" Caleb said while tilted his head and raising his eyebrows as he suggested the obvious.

"Okay fine, I'll be down in a sec" I spat out as I disappeared into my room.
As I entered only then did I notice how messy I had kept it since dad wasn't home to nag my soul. There was my journal in the corner of my lavender and white walls and clothes was literally pitched in every nook and cranny. To be very honest, this should be a skill.

* I'm definitely uping my game"

"Oh Shit !" I muttered internally as my fav pants was dirty. Ughhh I forgot to put it in the washer, ok so what in the world is going to look cute.

* nothing Alexa you ugly*

That's when I accidently set my eyes on Jonatton's ex plad top that I stole alongside with her rip jeans.

* by stole I mean't borrow " ' no sarcasm intended'*

Before I could talk myself out of putting it on, I slipped on those jeans so quick, it's as though it was bought for my body and this black plad top, I łoved how it defined my non-existant curves.

*Adriana was younger than Jonatton, matter of fact she was in my year group*

I straddled across to the mirror as I glanced back and forth at my reflection hoping that maybe just maybe I'll look and see someone better, someone prettier that maybe Caleb would have actually liked.

Only then did the vamping smell of my armpit signal my need of a bath. Like heck it smelt bad my nose was hiding behind my ears. "Did Caleb smell this , plz god no" I pleaded to myself.

*shit alexa you forgot to take a bath*

I spun around and darted into my flourally coloured bathroom, it was last painted around my birthday but you see the thing is only mom got to pick the colors and I really didn't get how that was fare.
I almost slipped on the tile but I immediately caught myself I was like a super hero or something.

*skills to pay them bills*

I ripped the clothing off my body and twirled into the shower. Yup it was my time, I became a pop star in here. I started humming to my favourite R&B tune while I nodded my head to the beat existing in my head. I began doing the floss, like I literally had a full on concert going on.

*as usual as I got carried away*

Knock, knock .This sound awoke me from my moment of awesomeness, I paused motionless and swallowed, it felt like I was swallowing a whole city well more specifically it sounded as though I did.

Silence lasted for just about forever before I broke the silence. "Whose out there, mom is that you?" I questioned while slipping out of the shower and twirling my hair into a soggy bun.

No one answered, if mom thinks this is funny. "Mom, could you hand me the towel its on the left side of my bed under my bra, its near the drawer with my tampons.

I stock my hand out of the door as I anticipated the contact of my warm towel because as of right now the cold shower and the a.c. wasn't to good.

After a couple seconds of hearing things shifting in my room the towel was placed into my palms.
I drapped it across my body and stepped out, only to be totally surprised when my eyes made four with Caleb's

I blinked while squinting my eyes, "what the hell Caleb, what are you doing here?" I asked while tightening the towels grip on my body.

Without any response Caleb began walking closer, and closer and closer, my heart was racing, I began feeling flustered.I began retracing my steps up until my back made contact with the walls.

He smirked and continued drawing closer to me. He did so up until his body stood right before mines. My mind began playing out this scenario in every possible way known to aliens ( or was it man).

He then motioned his face closer to mines and whispered "you're taking way to long I'm already late and class started like what 15 minutes now""oh
don't flatter yourself, I dont and didn't want to see you naked. Oh and clean your room."I internally sinked into my buttcrack. I just nodded in agreement and he left.

I slid on my clothing and let down my hair , I speed past my mom, I think when I did the force made her spin (well twirl more specifically)

Upon arriving to his dark blue van , I met him staring at his watch my vigourosly tapping his feet.
I could physically smell his anger and it ain't smelling good.

* no he isn't smelling bad*

"Finally, you could swear taking so long made you look any better". He spat out while making his way into the car.
Who the flying gym socks does he feel he is talking to, he don't know how much I want to physically harm him right now.

* could be good or bad *

"Whatever , lets just go" I muttered in a soft tone as my self esteem was beaten black and blue. The drive to school was so uncomfortable I almost felt like if I was breathing to loudly it would have sent him off the cliff
The sound of chatting students rang through the lunch room, as hormonal teens brush pass me on my over to Mckenna and my usual place of abode.

"Babe, come sit with me" I almost choked on my spit as all attention was directed to me. I spun around to meet Caleb smirking at me.

* oh how I wanted to smash his head into my fist*

Thats the end of chapter 4 hope you like. Leave comments and tell me what you think.



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