lasting butter skin.

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This serum smells amazing pack with tons of vitamin and leave your skin feeling soft and smoothe. You'll need:
Rosemary oil or leaflet
Olive oil
Coconut oil

Half the bottle with olive oil if you have oily skin, this way your pores won't be blocked and provoke acne. However if you have dry skin half your bottle with coconut oil. Coconut oil moisture deeply and conditions the skin. Research states that if you have oily skin using coconut oil on the skin will clog pores because of how dense it is which is why I advise you to use olive oil as your consistency base oil. After you add 50% olive oil to your bottle, meaning half it, then add 25% coconut oil and 25% rosemary oil mix oil let it settle for 24hr before use.

If you have the rosemary leaflet add 30% coconut oil to the 50% olive oil then add leaflets. Shake well and let oil mix settle for 72 hrs.

After two days of use you will be amaze with results.

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