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trigger warning
domestic violence
please read with discretion
& be kind to yourself always


Lauren picks nervously at her cuticles while she sat in her car outside the Cabello's residence. She keeps the car running per Camila's request, but turns the headlights and radio off in case she was supposed to be discreet about her little pick up. Camila had always kept her family life pretty private from Lauren, which left the older girl frustrated. She has absolutely no idea what could be going on in the house. It looks like some lights were on, but the curtains were closed to block her view of inside. Trying to keep her mind off the worst possible outcome was the task at hand, as well as being patient in waiting for Camila to join her in the vehicle. Checking her cell phone for what felt like the thousandth time that night, the time flashed before her.

1:07 AM

She's been sitting outside the house for roughly thirteen minutes, and anxiety is bubbling up in her chest by the millisecond. As tempting as it is to call Camila, Lauren was smart enough to know that may ruin her "plan".

The sound of a door opening and slamming catches her attention as she whips her head to the front entrance of the home. Camila is practically sprinting down the steps, a backpack around her shoulders, a leash in one hand, and a small dog in the other. Lauren wasn't expecting to bring two animals home with her, but she didn't mind in the slightest. She has three dogs herself, what's two more to add to the pack?

Camila hastily opens the back seat, helping a large black dog get in, then sets the small one down, and throws her backpack in before shutting the door again. She crawls into the passenger seat, and Lauren is off before Camila even has the door fully shut. The car swiftly rounds the corner and out of the neighborhood, taking the most unusual route possible back to Lauren's home. It took everything in Lauren not to pull Camila on her lap and stroke the distressed girl's hair; just sitting politely and not interrogating her was difficult as is. Luckily for her, Camila let's her curious mind relax a little.

"I know you're really confused and have a lot of questions, so I promise once we're at your house I'll explain everything," Camila says shakily as she grips onto her phone. Lauren scans over Camila's appearance: her messy hair was unbrushed and pulled into a loose ponytail, she was sporting black leggings covered with dog fur, her face free of makeup and full of stress, and her knuckles beginning to bruise. The last detail sent Lauren's mind into a spiral of fear and anger.

"Okay. I'm putting some Arnica on your knuckles too," Lauren bites her bottom lip, praying Camila wouldn't be stubborn about her trying to help.

Thankfully, the gesture was appreciated. "Okay, thank you. I'll need it," she presents her own hand in front of her as she examines the bruises for herself. "Also, sorry about the dogs. I forgot to mention them. If we need to I can drop them at Ally's."

Lauren is quick to wave the suggestion off. "It's okay. I have three dogs myself, and my family shouldn't mind too much as long as I watch after them. What's their names?" Lauren peeks in the rear view mirror to get a second glance at the animals in the backseat.

"The German Shepherd is Thunder. That's Leo," Camila points him out. Lauren smiles.

"I have a dog named Leo too. While you're with me, yours can be Leo 2.0."

Camila's lips pull into a goofy smile for the first time in hours, as she lets out a laugh. "I like that idea."

The girls successfully reach their destination in almost double the usual time it takes to get there. Lauren pulls Camila's bag on her back and picks up Leo 2.0 with one arm, while the other grabs Thunder's lead. She attempts to hold the back door open for Camila with her foot, as her key lanyard dangles from her teeth. Her mission may have not completely flopped, but enough so to send Camila into a fit of giggles before pressing a kiss to the pale girl's cheekbone.

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