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"Dinah, I don't care what your nails look like, come down the fucking stairs and help me find Camila," Lauren bitterly shouted into the phone. Dinah, unphased, sighed before casually making her way out to her driveway, where Lauren was parked. Normani had already been picked up, considering she only lived a few minutes from the Jauregui household. The two had been waiting outside Dinah's house for almost ten minutes. "Jesus, finally," Lauren mumbles once Dinah sits herself in the backseat, hurriedly backing out and accelerating down the street before the taller girl was even buckled.

"Sorry, kay? I lost track of time."



"D, she's just tense right now. She has every right to be, honestly. Camila could be anywhere, and while she might be perfectly fine, she could also be in trouble. I don't want you guys to fight right now." Normani played mediator between the two friends.

Lauren drives around her neighborhood, as well as Camila's and those neighboring them, several times with no luck. Her patience was slowly decreasing as her anxiety increased. Where the hell was she? It was so unlike Camila to just disappear with no warning. Lauren's tense hands begin to shake, her eyes rapidly moving all around, in somewhat an attempt to find her girl. With frustrating bubbling at the surface, she pulls over on the side of a back street and puts the car in park. Letting out a huff of anger, she aggressively punches at her steering wheel, taking out any negative emotions possible.

"Laur, honey, no, stop," Normani firmly takes Lauren's thrashing wrists and and gently rubs her thumbs along them until the flustered girl calms herself. Breathing heavy, she sits back into her seat and sighs. Tears begin to well up in her eyes, threatening to spill over.

"Hey, I have an idea!" Dinah pipes up from the backseat.

"Dinah, not now," Normani shoots her a look.

"No, like for real. Why don't we message one of Camila's other friends and see if they have any good ideas where she might be. Or something. Since they've known her longer." Lauren's eyes pee up at Dinah.

"That's actually a good idea, DJ. Thanks," Lauren smiles softly as she pulls out her phone.

"Of course it is," Dinah dramaticly flips her long locks over her shoulder, earning eye rolls from the girls in the front.

"I remember her best girl friend is named Ally," Lauren states as she scrolled through Camila's follower list on Instagram. "Oh! Here she is, I think. Ally Brooke." The girl taps the profile and the button that send "send a message". She quickly types out:

Hi there, my name is Lauren. I've been dating Camila for a few weeks or so now. She had been staying over at my place, and she recently disappeared. My friends and I have been driving all over hell and back trying to find her. Is there any chance at all you know where she might be?

"Well, now we just have to wait for a response," Lauren exits out of the message bank and back onto Ally's profile. She decides to follow her, and look through some of her pictures. Many of them featured that Shawn boy, as well as Camila. And waffles. Lots of waffle pictures.

"So.." Dinah starts," You gonna tell us about your new girl?

"Oh yes, Little Lo, do spill," Normani quirks her eyebrows, joining in on Dinah's teasing. Lauren's face flushes red as she glares at the duo, pouting lips and eyes squinting.


"You said you would!" Dinah quickly refutes, not letting the subject go without a good fight.

"Okay, chill!" Lauren raises her hands in a form of surrender. "Her name is Camila."

"No, really?" Normani spits with sarcasm.

"Shut up, she texted me one night intending to text her friend and we just started talking." Lauren summarizes, intentionally leaving out as many details as possible to her nosy friends.

"Oh my god!" Dinah's laugh roared.

"What?" Normani shoots a skeptical look.

"How they met! It's exactly like those One Direction fanfics I used to read!" Dinah laughs harder. Normani joins her.

"Holy fuck, shut the hell up," Lauren growls as she crosses her arms and slumps back in her chair.

Normani places a comforting hand on Lauren's arm as she attempted to suppress her giggles. "No but really, that's cute. I want to meet her."

"Yeah me too!" Dinah shouts in agreement.

"If I ever find her," Lauren's voice drops, and she checks her phone for any messages from Ally.

"Don't worry, you will. We will," Dinah tells her friend. "I'm sure she's alright."

"I hope so, Dinah." Lauren nods.


"Lo, check your phone!" Normani points at the message flashing on the device's screen. Lauren quickly unlocks her phone and scans the message.

Oh my god! Hi Lauren, I've heard all about you. I love that you're so worried about Mila, but don't be! She's with me (: she came to my house this morning because she had to tell me about the situation with her mom. She said she left you a text message, but never got a response?

Lauren's nerves slip away, as she takes a breath of relief. The slightest bit of irritation overwhelms her. She was so extremely worried about her girlfriend, yet she was fine the entire time? Rechecking her texts from Camila, there's nothing there about going to Ally's. As if she can read her thoughts, Dinah adds, "Remember your text not going through? Her mom probably shut off her service and she didn't even know it."

"I didn't even think of that," Lauren chews her bottom lip, typing out another message to Ally.

Thank GOD. I thought she'd been taken or something. I think her cell service was turned off, as I never received a message and mine didn't send to her this morning. Tell her I'll be at home once she is for me, please?

Yes of course (: (: she said she's so so sorry that you were so concerned and that she'll make it up to you!

"So, all that stress for nothing?" Normani inquires.

"Definitely not nothing. She's worth all the worry in the world as long as she's okay," Lauren smiles contently.

"That's corny."

"Shut up, Dinah. Come on, let's go watch movies at my house," Lauren starts the car again and heads towards her home, happy that her girl is safe.

For now.

a|n - this is short and I only proof read like half of it sorryyy

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