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Crushing Bills

"Dad , we need to talk"

Cool wind is slapping against my neck , and leaves scrap against my ankles and they drift with the wind. Following the leaves , the leaves danced north for a while , then their dancing slowed as the leaves fell to the forest ground. As I lift my head , it becomes clear that I have stumbled across the same clearing , its happening again. I turn my head to come face to face with a stump. A large tree stump ?  I  kept thinking that my dream might not be happening. I begin to walk away from the stump and I tripped and rolled down a hill , then a conversation erupts in my ears

"You're the one who always bitching that nothing happens in this town" a familiar voice says .

"Well you're the one who always bitching that we dragged you down into 'our' nerd depts." another says that I distinguish as mine. Then it hits me I'm reliving the night Scott got bit.

"Oh , shut it Stratford " Stiles sassed.

"You know you love me " I teased.

"Ok, the only reason I don't want to be out here is that I wanted a early night of practice tomorrow " Scott interrupted our little feud .

"Yea , because warming the bench is such a grueling effort" Stiles sarcastically states.

"STILES" I yelled hitting his shoulder making him wince.

"What" He asks

'Encourage the boy " I whisper but Scott heard.

"Right here " Scott sarcastically waves at us

"Well Scott back to what you were saying " I say

"Well, Skye thanks for asking ..." Scott glared at Stiles for a second and returned to his sentence. "I want to make the team this year , actually first line like you "  He says gesturing to me.Yep that's right , I'm the only girl on the lacrosse team and let me tell you I was pretty good at lacrosse , Coach loved me more than Jackson at the time surprisingly .

"Awe Scott, thats great , you could make the team this year" I encouraged him.

"Yeah that's a good dream your having Scott" Stiles had to open that fat mouth of his, GOD

"Stiles not helping , but I want to ask what half of the body are looking for?" I ask and Stiles face goes blank making me laugh

"Didn't think of that "  Stiles said anxiously playing with his fingers.

"And what if the person who killed the body is still out here?" Scott asks

"Didn't think of the either " Stiles is coming anxious by the second

"Love the attention to detail Stiles , good plan" I sass

"Thanks Skye" he said sarcastically

"Your welcome , Sir" I bowed

As we climb a hill I hear heavy breathing which means this is the part where Stiles abandons us.I turn to see Scott struggling to get his inhaler, so I help him.

"Here , Scotty" I say with a smile

"Thanks , Skye , Stiles shouldn't the severe asthmatic have the flashlight huh?" Scott asks

"Guys look " Stiles points at the lights in front of us and starts running towards them.
I stay back to help Scott to run while we both yell/whisper Stiles name. Then Stiles gets caught , there goes the ride home.

So , Scott and I start walking in the other direction to find the rear exit of the reverse , we get herded by the deer and fall down a hill while we actually found the other half of the body . We ended up standing in a clearing  as we both set eyes on a pair of red dots.

"Tell me you see that right ?" Scott asks

"I you see two red dots then were both looking that same thing" I retort

Then it charged at us , first pulling and biting Scott . After he bit Scott he stared at me , I was going to run but I just froze in place from fear. It pounced at me. Scott was yelling my name but i felt so weak and tired. My vision blurs as my eyes slowly close. Then everything went black.

I gasped , sitting up right in my bed. Breathing heavy and cold sweat drips down my arms as I clam myself down. I look down at my clock and it reads 4 o'clock am. At this point there is no point of going back to sleep as I only have 2 hours till school. So I got up out of bed  to make a coffee. As I walk down the creaky stairs I see my dad going through bills and rubbing his temples. 

After mom died it crushed him , he went trough a stage where alcohol was his  only escape to everything , but now he has only one drink a day while doing bills. He works a Beacon Hills Memorial with Melissa Mccall , they are both nurses . For a while my dads job was the only thing getting us by. But one day , I went to Beacon Hills Vet just to help Scott out
and Dr Deaton offered me a job from me helping out a couple days in a row. I have gotten a $2.50 raise since then, but me and dad still struggle.

"Dad , do you need help with anything?" I say walking to the kitchens and fill the coffee machine " And do you want a coffee?" I ask , I think he needed one,  the bags under his eye could be seen from a mile away

"Sweetheart have I ever told you how much I love you?" He responds back with a smile.
"Well, I will take that as yes and you tell me everyday as do I " I smile back. It went silent for a moment as I was pouring and stirring the two coffees.
" Dad , I know you want to ask me about why I'm awake and I think you know the answer too" I say slyly while walking both coffees to the table.
" It happened again didn't it" I nod in response
"Was it the same this time?" He asks and I shake my head in response
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks
" Well it's hard to explain and it will take awhile but first I need to take a quick call. Is that okay ?" I ask and he nods.

As I race up the stairs to dig through my room to find my phone. When I found it I quickly dialed Scott's number. I put the phone to my ear and run my fingers through my hair as I'm anxious to what I'm about to say to one of my best friends. " Hey , Skye what are you doing calling me at four thirty in the morning ? " Oh he sounds annoyed at the most
"Okay , I think it's time that I tell my dad " I anxiously speak.
" What do you mean ?" He says over the line.
"You know what I mean dumbass" Now I'm annoyed.
"Okay do you need help with it" He asks concerned.
" Yea , that's why I called you first " I say over the line.
"Okay, see in ten okay?"
"Okay see you in ten" Then I hung up.

I stood there in the middle of my room thinking of all the irrational things he will think . Will he kick me out ? Try to kill Scott ? Will he kill me? While I was caught in my own thoughts I didn't even realise that my dad was calling for me. Before I could response I sent a text to Scott to make sure that he parks down the street so my dad doesn't get suspicious.
I walk down the stairs with phone in hand as I receive a text from Scott
Scott :) to Me
Do you want me to knock?
Me to Scott:)
I turn off my phone and continue to walk down the stairs. As soon as I see my dad it send chills up my spine. Him knowing about the supernatural could change the whole game. As I approach my father his mouth beings to open as he wants to speak but I hold my hand up to signal him not too.
"Dad we need to talk " I say as I walk to the door and opening it reveal Scott standing there with his eyes glowing their vibrant yellow
" We all do" I continued as my dads face drop with an o shaped mouth.
Oh no, What have I done!


Well that's done.
Sorry it took so long to update but I just finished my third term of Year 9 and i'm so tired of it , only ten weeks to go , yay!

But what do you guys think. Will Skye's father react good or bad or does he have a secret of his own? The next chapter will reveal !

Q - What do think Skye is or becoming ? 

Tell me what you guys think in the comments and vote on the chapter if you enjoyed !

Good Bye for now Rangers!

Word count - 1472 words

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