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Deathly Party

"Do we still have our promise"

Stiles , Scott and I are walking on a neighbourhood pathway, on our way to some party , that Stiles got invited to from his friend Heather. This party sounds really lame and boring as I could be watching some really good 80's movies with guacamole and corn chips, but still here I am.

Then Stiles glares at Scott's sad looking face "What?" Stiles questions him.

"What do you mean ?' Scott asks him confused.

"You know what, what" Stiles says using the usual amount of sarcasm.

"Can I get a WHAT,WHAT!" I sing. Making both laugh at my remark. Job well done Skye .

"That look " Stiles dead plans.

"What look?" Scott asks even more confused.

"The look that says 'I don't want to be going to a party right now ' which in fact is the same look I am expressing right now." I say with my usual hint of sarcasm while glare at Stiles from the corner of my eye

"Well... Isn't a bit odd that we are going to another schools party? "Scott asked Stiles.

"Ok , I have known this girl since nursery school okay. We used to take freaken bubble baths together and my mom and her mom were best friends , so you guys are going just have a good--"Stiles was cut off by Scotts phone ringing , and as he looked to his phone the ID called popped up as...... Allison Argent. Gotta love that Stiles.

"And no Allison , alright. Scott tonight is about moving on" Stiles finished his statement.

"What about me , hmmm?" I question as I stare into Stiles dreamy chocolate brown eyes....OMG focus Skye , with a stupid expression on my face, making him laugh.

"You can stop doing that-- " Stiles said pointing at me and moving his hands up and down , which gesturing to all of me." And have a little fun and relax , I know your school and home scenarios are killing you right now , so let loose" Stiles said with a huge grin on his face. Stiles was right. All the things like from my dad and me about to lose our house and at the same managing to complete my homework/maintain my great grades, I need to relax and forget about all this junk in my life for one night.

"Your right!" Me and Scott said in erosion.

"You guys know I'm right" Stiles said all excited about tonight.

"Moving on " Scott said happily

"Moving onward and upward " Stiles corrected him.

"I can drink to that" I say ready to get inside

"Let's go ,guys " Stiles said and we do our three way handshake and make our way to the door. Then Scott nudged me
"How does my breath smell?" He asks worried.
"I'm not smell-- " I was about to finish but then it was like I was transported to a new place. But I look around and see a body. A girl . With blonde hair and purple tank top, I further inspect to find a horrific scene. Her throat was slashed , her head bashed in and lacerations around her wrists. I blink multiple time to go back to the party , but nothing was working until my body was being shaken  vigorously  by Scott.

"Are you okay?" He asked with so much concern on his face. I simply nod in response but I'm not okay. Someone open the for to loud electronic music and the intense smell of smelling teenage sweat and alcoholic beverages.
"STILES!" A blonde headed girl yells out walking over.

"Hey , there's the birthday-- " Stiles was abruptly cut off , with her smashing her lips against his.

"Glad you could make it" She said flirtatiously. "Do you want to help find a bottle of wine" She asks twirling a strand of her hair around her finger. Stiles just nods. She grabs his hand and drags him away into the crowd of very intoxicated teens.

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