Chapter 2

22 2 1

The taxi stopped suddenly , in an estate of around 10 houses, quite big , 3 or 4 bedroomed . I was confused , i was sure we were meant to be going to the airport ! The taxi driver got out and went to knock on the door , but someone had beaten him to it. A boy around 16 years old opened the door with one huge suitcase , probably even bigger than mine !

I couldn't believe that i hadn't notice the taxi come into the estate , but i hadn't really looked out of the window since when we'd left , i read a magazine - One of many that my mum and i had packed , i listened to some music and read my book . The boy stumbled into the car and closed the door as the driver went to put his suitcase in the boot .

"Hi, i'm chris "

he extended his arm out to shake mine , i shook his hand .

He was tall , had dark hair , hazel eyes , he was muscular and his smile was a girls version of perfect .I'd never felt this way towards someone before , especially someone i'd just met . I didn't love or fancy him , i wasn't sure what i felt towards him . There was some sort of feeling inside of me , it was saying please don't be like every other single boy on this earth ! One's who are always after the popular girls , always out and about , showing off , football was their main "passion" but yet they spent more time with girls kissing even necking them than on the pitch . One of the boys who always have their hair in a quiff , every single piece of hair , gelled and as stiff as a piece of wood . E V E R Y S I N G L E P I E C E .

"Hi i'm Ruby"

"Ruby, hi , nice to meet you " he seemed polite enough , that was one certain thing that was different to other boys .

"Can i ask you why you're in the taxi , are you going to camp too ?"

I was itching to ask him why all of a sudden this extremely handsome boy had come and sat next to me in a taxi when i didn't even now who he was and why he was there .

"Ye, sorry i forgot to tell you , when i rung up to ask for a taxi they said you were travelling past so you'd come and pick me up on the way "

I smiled a huge smile , it was uncontrollable .

"You've got a really nice smile , has anyone told you that ?"

"No , well except for my mum , but mums always say that you'r the most beautiful person on the planet so" i had a warm tingling feeling inside me , one i'd never had before , i smiled more , a bigger smile this time . He sank his head , his face droped , had i said anything wrong ? I wanted to say something , ask him if he was okay , but he soon lifted his head and looked out of the window and asked .

"Who are you."

"I told you my name's ruby" i said confusingly, he chuckled as if to say i was wrong .

" I mean who are you , what hobbies do you have and all that stuff "

"Oh , well i play hockey and netball , um , i'm one of 5 - "

"well your mums been busy" he exclaimed ,I felt like crying with laughter , but instaed i gave out a childish giggle.

"sorry, sorry carry on "

"As i was saying , i'm one of 5 , 3 girls 2 boys . I've always lived in wales , i play the piano just started grade 7 actually , i guess i'm quite boring." Chris suddenly seemed to have a spark in his personality as if he was opening up to me , about what i have no idea .

"That is not true , you seem to be the total oppisite to the usual girls , the ones who have hair down to their arses , only ever care about the way the look , on the outside especially . Their hobbies include either dwelling over boys they can't have or going out and mauling the only boys available ." I couldn't help but laugh . He seemed to have a certain tone in his voice , not a caring one or a nasty one , i'm not really sure what it was like , but i guess i didn't really care either it was one i just seemed to notice as he was talking .

"You don't now me " i said with quite a strong tone in my voice .


" I said you don't now me , you seem to be opening up to a girl you barely now , one you met 5 minutes ago , yet you'r telling me things that could be completely true about me ."

"I know it's not what you'r like , because you haven't jumped on my lap expecting me to love you , you'r not this perfect barbie wanna be , you'r not stuck up about what you own , you haven't looked down at me , you've just sat there telling me the truth about everything , which isn't much but it's still something for someone you've just met , i mean yeah , i now i'm pretty outgoing , i've learned to be outgoing ,it was never a part of my personaltity , but i think i trust you , theres something about you i like"

"Thats a pretty big think you'r taking there" for the rest of the journey i couldn't help myself from smiling , this extremely handsome boy has gotten into the same taxi as me , he's told me he trusts me and he likes me - obvioulsy in a friend way , for the rest of the journey i starred out of the window daydreaming , mostly about him .

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2014 ⏰

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