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you came and i was crazy for you, and you cooled my mind that burned with longing.

fragment 48, sappho

So, they broke up. A while ago.

Jihoon thinks he remembers it hurting for a while, a dull ache pulsing purple on the softest parts of his heart, but in time, he healed. They both took the heartbreak of their experience, packed it into a box and left it locked up in their respective closets, never to be looked upon. Old wounds that neither of them could afford opening up again.

Or, that's what Jihoon had thought.

Soonyoung never was one to get rid of old habits so easily.

playlist : franz kafka's love letters, on spotify // user: conphused

the last soonhoon fic i wrote was super light and fluffy, but i'm gonna be switching things up a bit with this one. now, that's not to say this is going to be an absolute angst-fest, but it's going to be one of those messy-confused-emotions type things - admittedly not something i have a lot of experience writing, but gosh am i going to try my hardest to make it good.

to any of you returning from tired lines - welcome back ! i'm gonna put my whole heart into making this something worth enjoying, especially after all the support you've given me, so here's to hoping it pays off <3

as always, feedback is appreciated !

started : september, 2018

finished : october, 2018

other : ao3 - kwanies

Habit; SoonhoonWhere stories live. Discover now