Chapter Two

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Bruce still hasn't spoken to me and it's been three days. I was starting to become worried about him. Think of the devil.
"Team, report to the mission room." Batman said through the cave system and we all head over to said area.
His gaze skipped straight over everyone else to land on me, "This is going to be your first advanced mission." He explained, "If you are successful you will all be in the running for the justice league."
"The justice league? For real?" Wally squeaked out and Batman diverted his eyes from me for a second to give him a glare.
"Your mission is to join the dots of the kidnapping sprees." Bruce said as he brought up articles from 3 years ago up until now, "Everything you need has been transferred over to your computer already. Find a lead, find a culprit. We shall be assisting you to get this done before the next spree occurs. You start immediately."
Wally gave me a quick glance, Are you okay to do this? and I nodded. I needed to know what happened and if this was how it was going to happen, so be it.
By the time Wally and I arrived at the main computer the others had already opened the files and were about to go into the images.
"Are you sure you want to look at those?" Wally asked just before Kaldur could click onto them, "They're a tad horrifying."
I didn't know Wally had seen them, I guess it wasn't just Bruce who knew more about those periods than me, Wally did as well.
"They can't be worse than your face." Artemis joked as she took the mouse and clicked open the first image.
Instantly M'gann was gone to throw up, Kaldur following and Conner had to look away. Artemis took a second longer to react and she fainted where she was. Wally wasn't looking in the first place but he knew what to expect. I couldn't help but stare at the mutilated body on the screen as growing horror filled me. Eyes gone, one ear was gone, nose almost sideways, once cheek gone so that we could see the rotting gums and teeth being devoured by worms and flies. One leg was gone, only the bone telling us it was ever there and the stomach was ripped open to show most of its organs were gone, only it's lungs and kidney remained in the body. Oh god, oh god. The arms were practically gone as well, you could see the bone and sinew where the muscle had been eaten, but at no point would you say someone ate this poor chap, they just look like they were tortured. But I knew what I knew. And I ran to the kitchen to throw up in the sink. By the time I got back Artemis was awake and on the sofa, Conner was with her and Wally had removed the dreaded image from the screen.
"We're hunting someone who does that?" Artemis asked as I sat with the others, "No way. I retire now."
"Where's Kaldur and M'gann?" I asked, ignoring her comment.
"Still occupied in the bathrooms." Wally said, "They may be out for a while. It's a hard image to digest."
And I was gone again, throwing up in the bin by the corner. I didn't even have anything in my stomach anymore, just bile. I could feel the others watching me until I finished and wiped my mouth clean, heading back over.
"You better now?" Wally asked and I nodded, "Alright, so we know to avoid the images now, we need to get on with the written reports and plotting everything out so we can see where they strike."
"I can get all the places where Wayne's ward turned up." I suggested, "To add to the map."
"Good idea." Wally said with a small smirk my way, "I'll go read through the reports."
"I'll come with." I stood up instantly as well, my legs almost buckling, "I might notice a trend you don't."
Wally nodded and we headed back over to the computer, pulling up the news in the bottom corner in case there are any new developments. And that turned out to be the right idea. I beamed the screen to the living room as well so that Conner and Artemis could get their take on it.
"Another body has been found, Lianne Page who went missing just over 3 days ago has been found in a similar state to previous missing people. She has been found in a back alley by Wayne enterprises offices by the south river of Gotham, forensics teams are examining now. Unlike other scenes this scene contains a handprint on the wall, we believe it to belong to the murderer as it is too small to belong to Lianne. We shall keep you updated with any developments." The reporter said and I froze with panic.
They could identify me from the print, and then I don't know what would happen. I can't even defend myself because I don't know what happens. But the team and league would love this, any lead and they'll be on it like a hawk.
"I'll head down to the police." I whispered to Wally so that Conner couldn't hear me, "If Dick Grayson asks about it they might show without a warrant."
"Head down now. If you get anything, tell us." Wally said and I nodded to show I'd heard as the Zeta announced my departure.
I quickly changed from my costume to my casual clothes, jeans, top, sunglasses and trainers. And then I headed down to the station.

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