chapter 10

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Daniel's POV:

Why is it so hard to tell someone the truth.  I mean lux is the perfect girl for me and I can't even ask her out on a date.  and she's spouposed to be my girlfriend,  I mean fake girlfriend .  I kissed her tonight but is that really enough.  I have to ask her out on a real date because the only time we have been alone together was at my parents town gathering / party and to help her on her spelling bee.

  I am at her house right now unsure of whether to ring the door bell or to casually ask her out on a date tommorow at school.  and that's when I  remembered that the dance was this weekend so I would have to ask her out before the dance for her to be my real girlfriend for the valentine's day dance.

I rang the door bell 2 times after about a minute lux opened the door.  she looked really tired.

" hey ",  she said

" hey ",  I said

" come in "

I went in side and sat on her living room couch. I didn't know what I would say to her. Do I just tell her how I feal and ask her out or do I have this long conversation then ask her out.  I'll just go with......

Lux's POV :

" So what are you doing at my house at 2 in the morning again ",  I said.

" I just wanted to ask you out on a date properly cause I really like you "

" yah who doesn't like this " I said gesturing at my self.

he laughed  and gave me this look.  I kept  laughing for long amount of time trying to stay calm by the fact that he just asked me out. Then I said "so what youre gonna come at 2 in the morning and not ask me out "

" do you want to go out with me tomorrow after school "

" well let me check my schedule I might not be free "

" what " he said in this tone of desperation.

" will you relax obvcourse I'll go out with you, "

" wow I should have done this long time ago "

He kissed me and said goodnight then left with this smile on his face.  I thought I was dreaming for awhile but then I woke up to school and there he was waiting outside for me.  When he saw me he came to me gave me a kiss and told me he had a huge surprise for me on our date tonight.

I kept waiting for the moment when the bell rings and I could go on a date with the only guy I ever really wanted to go out with.

Daniel's POV :

I waited for that perfect moment where I would meet her outside,  give her a kiss and go on that perfect date with her. That moment where she would become my girlfriend and not my pretend girlfriend.

I waited it was like the day never ended all I wanted during the day was to get ready for that date. I really hope she likes me. Cause if she doesn't like me then it will be awkward to ask her out on to the valentine's dance this weekend. 

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