chapter 12

17 1 1

I'm spechless I'm in the position where I'm starting to doubt everything that happened for the past 3 weeks. Dose Daniel actually like me or is this all just an act?  my mind is just a big scattered  puzzle that needs to be solved.

" I'm sorry I couldn't tell you this had to be extremely realistic so that we could make the best film, " Jennifer said. 

" Wait so everyone is gonna see me be humiliated like this " I said.

" bitch this is our group and our film if youre not in it we all fail drama including you and dontbwant to fail", Lucy said in her snobbish accent.

" and how long have I been filming ", I said.

" From scince the first day of drama class, you know that one time you were like 10 minutes late we were assigned a group and a due date  for a film ", Jennifer said.

" so this whole relationship with Daniel was a hundred percent fake, " I said.

" well it wasn't all fake I mean at first it was bit fake but you kinda growed on to me  ", Daniel said.

" so this wasn't a 100 % fake",  I said.

" yes ". he said " hey guys can you give me moment alone whith lux"

" yah sure " Jennifer said while pushing Joe,  Brad and Lucy out the door.

Daniel and I sat down on the couch. he told me he actually really liked me and that he hopes that this whole film incident doesn't ruin anything.

For some reason I just felt like every word that he said to me was a complete lie and that he just saying that because he doesn't look like a complete ass. I had to test something on him to know if he was living to me. But it's like I never had anything on home to prove if he was living or telling the truth.  I was just stuck...and this wasn't the first time so I guess you could say that I'm lost once again to the point we're I don't know where to start when I come to put things together and move on.

Out of the blue I found my self blurting out these words " Daniel I'm gonna need you to leave my house,  and my answer is no what just happened changed everything and I can't give you a second chance. "

" I understand,  lux and I'm truly really sorry ".  Daniel said while closing the house door slowly.

(2 and half years later)( first day of college day) 

I walked down the halls trying to find my classes when I bump into some one. 

"oh I'm so sorry,  do yoy know where economics 346 is.. " I said.

" yes I'm actually headed there right know " he said.

" hey my name is lux " I said.

" nice to meet you lux I'm Noha " he said.

And that when I relised why it had never workedout whith anyone else, it was because I met the one again.


please like my story!!!!! 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2014 ⏰

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