Chapter 1

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~Percy's POV~

"PERSEUS JACKSON!!!" I flinched as I heard my full name and turned around to see all the gods (including my father) glaring at me with anger and hatred in their eyes.

"Yes uncle?" I said in a confused tone. "You have been found guilty for helping Gaea and Kronos in the 2 wars you have been in by providing information about the strengths and weaknesses of Camp Half-Blood and Olympus to them and causing the deaths of many campers!" Zeus said in a very serious manner with a lot of hatred.

"WHAT!!!" I replied feriously, "I have done nothing but help the campers and win 2 WARS FOR YOU!! And this is how you repay me? By framing me for things I didn't do and betraying me while I remained 100% loyal to all the gods and Olympus!! Have you forgotten my fatal flaw already! Well let me remind you IT IS LOYALTY, L-O-Y-A-L-T-Y and how could you think I would do such a-" I was interupted by my father.

"Stop talking nonsense and making excuses. We have our evidence and I, POSEIDON, GOD OF THE SEAS HEREBY DISOWN MY SON, PERSEUS JACKSON, FOR HIS BETRAYAL TO OLYMPUS!" Thunder boomed as I felt a lot of pain throughout my body as I fell on my knees screaming in pain, feeling my powers being sucked out of me.

After the pain was gone I managed to get myself up as I glared at all of the gods who stood before me. "You know what! I don't care anymore about what happens to my life because that slutty Athena sqawn, who I used to be deeply in love with left me for the stupid blonde haired Roman son of Jupiter right at the moment I was going to propose to her. So I have nothing left to live for (all my friends also betrayed me except a few)!!"

~Flashback (1 day ago)~

It had been 6 months after the war against Gaea had ended with me putting my sword right into Gaea's heart to finally end the war. I walked through the gates of Camp Half-Blood after 2 months of challenges made by Athena so I can prove myself worthy enough to propose to Annabeth and seal our love forever.

I had made the ring myself with the help of a few people (don't tell anyone that) and thd ring was made out of a rare metal called Olympic iron and a very rare sea green diamond that is only found in the depths of the vast sea.

When I got past the gates of Camp Half-Blood, I saw the whole camp gathered in the middle of camp in a circle with two people in the middle while chanting things like 'kiss more!' or 'this couple is so much better than Percabeth.' I walked over to the crowd of campers and pushed through them to see what everyone was talking about, but when I got to the middle I saw the thing I would have never imagined... Annabeth was KISSING one of my best friends from Camp Jupiter.... JASON GRACE!

"So this is what you do behind my back while I go risk my life to save the world time and time again," I said in a dangerously calm voice which was still mixed with fury. While thunder boomed, the ground shook and enormous waves crashed I glared at Annabeth who had just broken out of the kiss and was staring at me with a shocked expression on her face.

"Percy... I thoug-" "Save it," I interupted her in a very rude manner. "I don't need to hear your escuses. WE ARE DONE! I thought I could trust you Annabeth, but turns out Athena was right... my loyalty will always become my weakness. I guess now I finally realize that she was right while I was too blind by love to take what she said into consideration." I said to which Annabitc- sorry Annabeth instantly changed her face into a glare that used to be filled with love and affection, but now is overcrowded with hatred and disgust.

"How dars you Percy! It's not my fault that you suddenly disappeared out of nowhere for a whole 2 MONTHS without contacting me or anyone in the camp even ONCE! For all I know you could have been cheating on me the whole time!" She said. "Really Annabeth? Is that how you see me? As a CHEATING BOYFRIEND? I can't believe you right now. What happened to the girl who I used to love and the girl who I THINK used to love me?" I said almost forgetting about the ring I had made for her. I turned around and stormed to my cabin, but stopped halfway and turned to face her again.

"Oh and Annabeth this was the reason I 'disappeared' for 2 months." I said and threw the ring that I had made for her right at her face before turning around and barging into my cabin leaving behind a now tearful Annabeth.

~Flashback end (present time)~

"HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY DAUGHTER!" Athena screamed and got ready to fight me, but was stopped by Zeus before she or I could do anything.

"Daughter I understand your hatred for him, but he deserves a bigger punishment than death for the crimes he has committed," Zeus said as he held back Athena from attacking me. Athena slowly stopped trying to get through Zeus and nodded in reply.

"Alright let's get to Olympus and decide the fate of Perseus," Zeus said and with that we flashed into Olympus.

~TimeSkip to Olympus and after everyone got seated~

I just sat there in the middle of the throne room completely fazed out of the conversation (or should I say arguement) the gods were having about what my punishment should be for the supposed 'crimes' I committed.

'Why did my life have to be so difficult? Why couldn't I just have a normal life without demigods? Why were the fates so cruel to me? Had I been an evil person in my past life and this life was a punishment? How could the gods even think of me as a traitor? Wait... Maybe they think I'm too poweful to live... That would explain why the gods are afraid of me for a few days after each war because I had showed so much power.'

"PERSEUS!!!" My train of thought was interupted by Zeus's loud and super annoying voice. "After some.... discussion amongst each other we have decided that you will be made immortal and banished into TARTARUS to spend an eternity being tortured for the horrible crimes you have committed," he said as my eyes widen at the mentioning of the place I hated the most (Tartarus). "So Mr.Jackson do you have any... last words?" Zeus said noticing my widened eyes.

I smirked and looked Zeus right in the eyes, "F**K YOU DRAMA QUEEN!" I said with the smirk still on my face. I have to say it definitely got to him. "ΟΔέας βασίλ άς τωυ θεώυ καιο Θεός του ουραυού εξολόθρεύει του Περοέα Τζάκσου από το πρόσωπο της γης καί στα βύθη του ΤΑΡΤΑΡΟΥ!!!!" (I, Zeus, king of the gods and god of the sky banish Perseus Jackson from the face of the earth and into the depths of TARTARUS!!!!) Zeus yelled as he threw his master bolt right at me.

As the master bolt hit me, time slowed down as I felt a huge amount of pain and the ground seemed to be pulling me down and the next thing I know I'm falling......falling into Tartarus.

~Zeus's POV~

Finally!! He is gone now the gods are not in danger anymore. Now you're probably wondering what on earth am I talking about. Well you see all of the gods knew Percy was innocent and he did not commit any crimes, but he was getting way more powerful than anyone could have ever imagined. We know Percy is loyal, but he could turn at any moment and attack Olympus so we had to make sure he was not a threat any longer.

But even after he was gone I was questioning my decision to send him to Tartarus. 'Olympus doesn't have anyone else to worry about nor does it have threats to deal with so I think I made the right choice. Right?'

Little did Zeus know a enemy stronger than anyone the Olympians had gone against was coming and they had just lpst their best chance to survive... For now......

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