Chapter 4

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~Percy's POV~

I woke up to feel a warm and gentle pair of hands wrapped around my body. I look around to see Zoë sleeping right next to me with her arms around me and my arms around her.

I tried to get out of her hold, but she is a tough cookie to break. So I just spent the next couple minutes staring at her. 'Dam she looks sooooo cute while she sleeps and her arms are so sof- WHAT AM I THINKING, I SWEAR APHRODITE STOP MESSING WITH MY HEAD!!"

I broke my gaze as Zoë started to stir awake, "Morning sleeping beauty," I smirked. "Good morning Kelp head."

"So are we finally gonna head out to this arena you're talking about or what?" Zoë asked. "Yea we're gonna go there now. I was gonna start packing some things up, but your hold around me was so strong I couldn't move," I said. She just noticed that we still had our hands around each other so we slowly moved away blushing really hard.

"Ok well let's start packing."

~TimeSkip after packing (sponsered by Bob)

Well packing didn't take long (because we didn't have many things), but I did learn some new things about Zoë that only a few people know and there people are the hunters that were part of the hunt while Zoë was still their lieutenant.

"You ready to go Zo (my new nickname for her)" I asked. "Yea Perce just give me a sec'" she replied. A few minutes later we went out of the cave and into the open world known as Tartarus.

"Ok so we need to find a super big colosseum like building and then we talk to the man himself."

"Wait, I remember a building or should I say arena like that, but it is surrounded by monsters so we will need to sneak in because barging in with just our swords will most likely get us killed."

"Yea and most of the monsters here are the ones I killed so they may have a very little grudge against me and also I thought you would like to know the gods made me immortal so I can't exactly die."

"The gods also made me immortal as well, but when has immortality ever stopped or even lowered the chance of death?"


We walked in the direction Zoë told me for a couple more minutes until we found a huge arena that was atleast twice as big as all of Olympus, but as Zoë said the place was swarmed with monsters every way we looked. I did a quick scan of the area until I found a part of the wall that looked weird and almost like a..... DOORWAY!

"Zoë!" I whisper - yelled. "I found a secret entrance to the arena and if you look there is a hidden entrancd that seems to go unnoticed when it comes to the monsters," I said while pointing at the door that is basically carved into the wall.

"Omg! Good job Perce, I didn't know that you had a brain!" Zoë exclaimed. "Ok let's stop talking and sneak around the monsters so we can safetly get to that door without being spotted by the monsters."

And with that we started to slowly but surely make our way to the door while being careful as to not alert the monsters. Well on our way there we ALMOST got spotted twice, but Zoë came to the rescue. We actually did get caught, but we quickly turned the monsters into dust before they could call reinforcements.

After a lot of snail like walkig and a lot of slaps from Zoë (I will leave it for you to figure out why), we finally reached the door and found a button that most people probably would not have noticed and made our way inside the arena as quickly as possible without being seen.

We looked around unsure of where to go, but that was until we heard a voice that I remember a little too well..........


"Hello Perseus. I see that you accepted Chaos' offer rather quickly. I guess you don't want history to repeat itself after what happened last time you were here," Tartarus said while smirking at Percy.

"I don't want to talk about what happened last time, but what we do need to talk about is how I can get out of this place," I said sternly wihout a glint of fear in my voice or face, but on the inside I was completely terrified at 'how I had to stay in Tartarus again!!!!!!'

"Ok, ok no need to rush, you will be here staying in one of the bedrooms in the arena for the next 2 years and train unti you are ready to face me in a battle," he said. "Why do I have to face you Tartarus?" I asked while being completely clueless.

He chuckles before saying, "YOU need to fight ME to get the CHAMPION OF THE PIT title and believe me there's not many who have managed to do that." "Ohhhh so that's why I need to train, well ok when do I start?" I asked.

"You will start tomorrow, but for now you and your GIRLFRIEND should get some rest," he said. "Wh-no ummmm we're just friends," I said while blushing madly and I could just tell that Zoë was as well.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say Perseus, but trust me even though I practically live in a hell hole miss Nightshade over here is a good catch," he said smirking at us while we were blushing even harder than before (if that is even possible).

"Ok, ok stop please Tartarus and can you show us where we will be staying?" I asked. "Ahh yes please follow me," he said and started walking towards some hallway.

We arrived at a decent looking room with one queen sized bed, a rack for weapons, a table full of ammunition for different types of things, a wardrobe for clothes, a medium sized dinner table with chairs,and some weird cylinder like thing in the cornerof the room but once I pressed a button, it dispensed food that I have to say looked very delicious.

Well after unpacking the few belongings we had and eating some food, Zoë and I immediately got into bed knowing that we had a long 2 years ahead of us. So the more sleep we can get, the better it would be.

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