Significane - Caleb's Story

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I have based this story on the Significance series by Shelly Crane.  It has mainly the same storyline, although it is written from Caleb's point of view.  I may change some of the events of the story as I go on.

If you wish to read the series by Shelly Crane they can all be purchased on iBooks, and the first book of the series is free.

I don't own any of the rights to Shelly's characters or storyline, although any aspects I add in myself will be owned by me.

I hope you enjoy this story.  After Shelly released Reverence Caleb's missing chapters I felt the need to read the whole series in his point of view, and since nobody has witten it as a fanfic I decided to do it myself.  I will not be using Shelly's chapters from Reverence, I will be writting these parts of the story by myself.

Enjoy :)

Becki x

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