Chapter 10

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A week had passed since the operation.The days went by slowly plus, with Tara and Oscar insisting that he wasn't well enough to help with anything, he also had nothing to do to pass the time.

Tara would come in on the evenings to talk about what she heard when she went out, but she would never tell him what she had to do. Oscar would come into his room too, but he would mainly just check his wound, or at least that would be the topic of their conversation. The three of them started to spend more and more time together as the week went on and it was starting to feel like they really had known each other all their lives.

Right now Oscar was writing another one of his entry's and Tara was sat on the other end of the sofa to Adam, reading a book. He had a magazine in front of him, though he really didn't find it that interesting. Adam flipped the page and something fell onto his lap. It was a lined bit of yellow paper folded in half. Adams eyes widened.

" how long has this magazine been here for?" he asked, holding up the front of the magazine for the both of them to see.

"Couple of days why?" Oscar said looking at the magazine like it would talk back to him. In response Adam just held up the yellow paper, Tara quickly flicked her eyes up from her book.

"What about it?" Tara said calmly while continuing to read.

"Well it just fell out onto my lap, don't you think its a little... i don't know odd?" Adam said slightly concerned by her lack of interest.

"Read it, see that its only a bunch of nonsense I scribbled on some paper. Don't worry about it. When i finish this Chapter i'll warm up some food," and for her that was that, but still no expression was on her face. His only indication that something was wrong was that he felt her tense up when he started to unfold the sheet.

"Yeah, alright," Adam said but what he really wanted to do was scream. The paper wasn't a load of nonsense, it was a message and Tara hadn't been the one to write it either.

'We're on our way, complete your task and we can talk soon. But hurry, they're planning to split you guys up ~ J . Y . '

"Tara, how long is left of that chapter?" Oscar asked while trying to stop his stomach from rumbling, " You know what, doesn't matter, i can warm some food up myself." As Oscar started to walk toward the room Adam managed to catch Tara's eye and all he saw was complete terror.

The note consumed all his thoughts for the rest of the night. The time was now 3.30 a.m and he was just laying awake thinking about it. 4 hours ago he heard Oscar start to snore which meant he didn't know about the note yet, but from Tara's room he could hear her pace around her room. He didn't do anything about it for a while but now her pacing was making him worry about her, so he got up and walked over to her room.

Tara just continued to pace around and didn't even acknowledge that he was stood at the door. Adam knocked on the glass. Tara stopped pacing and whispered hello. It was as if when she stopped pacing she lost all purpose of anything to do, so she just sat down where she was stood and huffed. Adam took this as an invitation so he walked over and sat next to her. For a while they just sat in silence glad to have each others company but eventually Tara looked at him and said,

" What are we going to do?" The question caught him a bit off guard but it was also the only question he'd been thinking about since he read the piece of paper.

"Honestly," Adam said looking at Tara, " I have no idea, but I think we should tell Oscar." Tara shook her head her nose scrunching up at the thought of it.

"No," she whispered, " I can't tell him that. I can't tell him there's a chance this is the last few days that we'll ever see each other," a single tear ran down her cheek and without thinking, Adam reached over a wiped the tear away. She looked into his eyes and for a few moments his hand wavered on Tara's cheek. Adam moved his arm away leaned back.

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