Chapter 25

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She was out cold. Together Maddie and Tara had got Elysia into her room but she wasn't waking up. When they threw Elysia into the room Maddie couldn't believe they'd hurt her. Maddie's father promised her he'd try everything to keep them all safe and yet he let her come back in this state. 

Maddie could only think of two possible ideas of why this was happening, they were running out of time or her father didn't know what had happened. She could only hope it was the second option but she could only find out when Elysia woke up. 

Maddie wanted to refuse to eat when the bell went for food but Tara wouldn't let her stay it, Elysia. After a small argument, they decided that both of them would get food and talk to the guys.   

When they sat down the guys had been laughing and smiling, for a moment Maddie had hoped they didn't have to break their bubble of happiness but as she knew too well all good things must come to an end. 

"She's back," Tara said sitting next to Oscar. Maddie sat across from them and was only now noticing the other person with them.

"Justin?" Maddie asked confused, " what are you doing here?"

"He's agreed to help us dish out the cameras by the end of the day. The plan was to get them now from Tara," Peter said as Justin turned round to face the whole table.

"Peter didn't you just hear what they said," Justin asked but Peter just looked confused," they said she's back. You were talking about Elysia right, is she ok?"

Maddie couldn't bring herself to talk about what had happened but luckily Tara picked up the conversation for her, "I'd like to say yes but that wouldn't be the truth. She has a nasty cut on the back of her head that looks pretty deep and she won't wake up. It definitely wouldn't help matter that when they threw her in the room it was head first. I can't really access the situation until she wakes up but it doesn't look good."

'Well, the good times had come to an end alright,' Maddie thought watching the happiness seep out of the guy's faces. With Elysia's rush back here she knew their gap to leave was closing so she knew that the plans had to be moving forward. 

"What's happening with the camera's, also your idea to hide this plan from me was awful because you clearly didn't let Peter know who was the one who just told me the whole thing," Maddie said looking at Peter who was now blushing from embarrassment.

"You never told me this was supposed to be some sort of secret," Peter whispered to Oscar.

"I forgot," He whispered back.

"You two both need to work on how loud you whisper but regardless you need me, the ventilation system is like a maze and I'm the only one with a map," Maddie pointed to the watch on her wrist.

"What about it," Justin asked.

"It can show me a hologram of the building's vents, my dad gave it to me before he let me come back here. I'm surprised none of you noticed it before now"

"I noticed, I just didn't say anything," Oscar grumbled under his breath, Tara laughed watching him get this frustrated.

"Of course you did, Oscar. I got the camera's or will have them can get them now. If she did as asked she got eight, two per room." Tara said though she didn't try to get rid of the smile that had stayed after her small fit of laughter.

"Great, go get them," Peter said, who had also laughed from Oscar's grumble," me and Oscar will go get some food with Justin. Maddie, you can either stay here or go with one of us."

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