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====Nobody's POV====

As your unconscious body lays on the medical bed, Bruce and Tony look at the monitors and see that your readings are normal, thankfully. But what is questioning everyone is what was it that hit you. Hundreds of tests are ran on you to try and find out what happened to you, but no luck. Bucky and Steve aren't coming out of their rooms unless its to eat, drink or visit your sleeping body only to hope to catch the moment of you waking. 

(Time skip a few weeks)

Bruce, Tony, Steve, Bucky, Wanda, Nat, Nick, Thor, and Clint are doing all thy can to try and wake you, non of them giving up though as your heart beat beeps on the monitor. Time, it takes time to wake you, but how much time do you have left?

====Steve's Pov====

Seeing her, lifeless in that bed makes my heart ache, all I want to do is go back in time and stop this from happening, but I can't (pretend that they don't know where the time stone is). The past few weeks have been hard, for me, for the team, especially Bucky. Does he have feeling for her, or is it just me over thinking. Anyway, I just want her to wake up, that's what I wish for every night, to see her (y/e/c) eyes open.

====Bucky's Pov====

"At least she's not in pain"   I say to myself every time I see her. I want to see is her dimples when she smiles, I want to hear her silly questions. That's what I want. That's what I wish for, let's hope it comes true.

====Nobody's pov====

All of the team are around your hospital bed, listening to the steady heart beat on the monitors. Every day at noon the gather in the room, in silence, hoping. 

This time though, their wishes came true.

====Your pov====

As my eyes flutter open, I'm blinded by a bright light. I then wince at the pain in my chest and side. I look around to see where I am. I'm in a hospital room, surrounded by everyone. It put's a small smile on m face, seeing all of their faces in shock and happiness. Even Clint had tears in his eyes, that was a sight to see.

"You all seem happy" I manage to croak out

"Well, (y/n) that's because you have been knocked out cold for almost a month, since you, since we, went out to the park" Steve steps forwards and places a hand on my shoulder

I stay silent, my smile fades.

"How long did you just say?" I ask, already knowing the answer

"Almost a month" he says quietly

"What happened?" I question

"You got hit by a power like Wanda's but much more powerful and black" Bruce speaks up

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Let's wait a bit, get your strength back before you ask more questions okay, doll" Bucky placing a hand on my thigh before nodding to the door for the others to follow him out so I could get rest, I didn't want to rest, I wanted answers, but instead my body shut down and fell asleep.

(Author- Hope you guys enjoyed, if you did it mean so much if you gave it a vote as it shows me you are liking what I'm posting, anyway I'm tired and I have school tomorrow, so byyeeeeee)

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