Chapter Eight

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I blushed and dipped my head down. I was stunned really. He looked like he really meant it, which was humbling. I felt like my heart would burst.

"I didn't mean to embarrass you. Let's eat," he said, passing me a plate.

We loaded our plates and then settled back to eat, talking about the different things that we liked to do. I learned that he's pretty active which wasn't a surprise to me really. But he loved trying new things like surfing, snowboarding, mountain climbing and anything else challenging. We were different in that I liked the slower things in life like curling up in a big comfy chair with a good book and warm blanket, watching a movie, going for a scenic walk, or sitting on a bench somewhere and people watching. But I wasn't opposed to trying his activities, and I hoped he wouldn't be opposed to mine.

After we'd eaten all we could eat, we were quiet for a while, taking in the sights and sounds of the park. The trees lining the pond were lush green and in full foliage. There were clumps of wild flowers here and there and a gravel path that went all the way around the pond. We could hear kids squealing in their play in the distance and it only made it feel all the more relaxing and soothing. It was a happy place to be.

He turned and looked at me thoughtfully. "Tell me more about the little girl at the hospital."

I smiled as I thought of Jessie. "Her name is Jessica...Jessie. She's nine years old and she's amazing. She's fighting Leukemia and she's one of the toughest kids I know." I sobered at that, my smile falling away as I looked down at the blanket, tracing the black and white lines that ran back and forth in a pattern.

"Will she be okay?"

I looked up at him, my eyes misted with tears. "I don't think so...maybe not this time," I said with a shake of my head.

"She's had it before?" He looked shocked.

I nodded. "When she was six, but then she got better, until three months ago when it came back."

"I'm sorry," he said softly and I could see he meant it.

"Me too."

We were quiet again until he asked, "how do you do it?"

I looked at him in confusion. "Do what?"

"How do you let people in like you do? Like you're not scared of how they will affect you. I don't know how to do that."

I thought about his question. "I don't know, to be honest. I...can't really help myself, I guess."

"That's a beautiful quality to have."

I didn't know what to say to that but I realized he'd probably just paid me one of the highest compliments I'd ever received.

He reached across the blanket and took my hand in his, squeezing it gently before lifting it to his lips and kissing it. I swooned just a little, I'll admit it. For someone who could act like such a thug at times, this guy had some sweet moves.


We cleared everything away and he brought out yet another surprise. He'd carefully packed two small Ben & Jerry's ice cream cups in ice packs.

I love Ben & Jerry's ice cream. As in, I will pretty much do anything for it. Even grovel on occasion.

I looked at him in excited wonderment. "Are you serious?" He nodded. "Do you have Chunky Monkey?" He held up one of the cups so I could see that he did. And then he held up the other flavour. "And Coffee Coffee BuzzBuzzBuzz!" I cried in delight.

He grinned, holding them both out to me. "Which one do you want first?"

"Chunky Monkey."

He passed it to me. "A little birdie might have told me you love this ice cream."

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