Chapter Twelve

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I had dinner on the table when my dad got home. I'd made spaghetti and meatballs. Our favorite. I figured we both deserved it after the day we'd had. I could tell just by looking at my dad that he'd had a crazy day too.

My dad is a veterinarian at a local animal hospital. Which is ironic because we have no pets. It doesn't seem right that an animal doctor doesn't have a single pet. But that is just the way things had worked out for us, and we weren't in a hurry to get one. It would just be another living thing that we would lose one day. And neither of us wanted that.

We sat down at the table and I dished out the food for us. My dad tucked his napkin into the collar of his shirt like he always did and I smiled. My mom had always loved that about him. She said it was the first sign that she'd had on their first date that he was the one.

"So, how was your first day back?" he asked, digging into his spaghetti like a starving man. I knew right away that he hadn't had time to eat the bagged lunch I'd made for him...again.

"It was fine. But there's this new guy, Jake, who has attached himself to me. It's weird."

My dad looked up. "You think he likes you?"

"I don't know. It's hard to say. I might just be a plaything in his mind. But he's coming on pretty strong."

"Did you tell him about Craig?"

"Oh yeah, a few times."


"Didn't seem to care."

"Heh. One of those guys, huh." He shoved a meatball in his mouth, chewing thoughtfully. "Can't say I really blame him. You're pretty awesome," he said with a shrug.

"Thanks Dad," I said wryly. Obviously I was getting no help from him.


After I'd cleared the dishes and cleaned the kitchen, I went to my room, grabbing my phone to check, yet again, if Craig had texted or called me.

Still nothing.

I decided to send him a text.

L: How's your first day been? I survived mine. Miss you.


The next morning, I decided I would avoid my locker at all costs. I could just carry all my books in my backpack. That way I wouldn't have to run into the-name-I-will-not-mention.

My plan was working just fine until lunch. I was seated in the cafeteria with Mia and Charlie, quietly eating my salad, when my phone rang. I answered it, thinking it might be Craig. It wasn't.

"Hey, is that the most gorgeous girl in the school?" the voice asked. It was the one and only Jake Waters.

"Nope. Wrong number," I said.

His laugh was low and flirty. "Oh come on, don't be like that."

"What do you want, Jake?"

"I was wondering if you want to eat lunch we can work on our project, of course."

"Sorry, can't. I went home for lunch."

"Well, that's not true, is it," he said.

"What do you mean?" I asked, distracted by the apple in my hand.

"Did you wash that apple first? They say you should always wash your fruit before you eat it. All that nasty waxy residue."

I froze, just about to take a bite of the apple. I lowered my hand and put the apple on the table, slowly looking around the cafeteria. And there he was, casually leaning against the cafeteria doors, a smug smile on his face. He wiggled his cell phone at me. And then he was walking towards me.

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