Chapter 1

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Years after Rey and Ben Solo together defeated the First Order and started up a new training academy of Jedi, Padme Solo, sits by a lake on Naboo in the late afternoon meditating as her parents had taught her when she first started her training. She repeats the Jedi code over and over in head to help her keep a calm mind and steady breaths. There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force.

Just as she is nearing the end of her meditation Padme feels a sudden cold wash over her. She opens her eyes and sees that she is no longer sitting at the lake. Instead, she is standing in a large domed room with a hole in the center, providing some light from the full moon outside. In the center of the room is a large stone table appearing to be some kind of altar. Padme can feel the dark side of the Force emanating all throughout the room but sill decides to walks up the altar, curiosity getting the best of her. As she runs her hand along the surface she feels a presence behind her.

Spinning around quickly Padme sees a tall figure wearing all black standing a short distance from her, a red lightsaber ignited in their hand. Padme at first thinks that she looking into a memory of her father from back when he was known as Kylo Ren but soon sees distinct differences between her father and the man before her. The lighter saber in his hand is stable, and does not have the crossed guards her father's had. Instead of the long overcoat, the man has a black shirt that stops above the knees, and the black mask on his face looks like the masks worn with mandalorian armour, similar to the mask Darth Ren once wore. The figure regards her for a second, looking her up and down with what Padme feels is a predatory. A slight shiver go down her spine. Suddenly, the man starts to approach and Padme starts to back away only to be stopped by the altar behind her. Just as he reaches out to grab her, the vision fades.

Padme lets out a gasp as she is released from the vision. Though she has had many visions while meditating before, some seeing possible futures, others looking into the past, none have ever shaken her such as the vision she just saw did. Shaking off her the unease the vision caused Padme rises, looking at her reflection on the smooth lake for a moment. She has her mother's small figure and height but her fathers brown eyes and think dark hair. Her hair is currently pulled back into a braid that ends on her lower back. She had grown out her hair like her great grandmother's since she is Padme's name sake. She is wearing a loose light brown tank top with black leggings and boots, with a dark brown Jedi robe. Most would call her attractive and Padme is more than aware of the looks given to her by many of the younger male knights in the temple but Padme could honestly care less  about her appearance.

After looking at her reflection Padme decides it is time for her to walk back to the Jedi temple. The temple is surrounded by a large field on all sides. At the front of the temple a path about a mile long leads to a large lake. At the back of the temple the fields end at a forest. Padme, at this point, knows the forest like the back of her hand from years of exploring throughout her childhood. There was more than one occasion where her parents had to go trekking through the forest because she lost track of time, missing multiple scheduled training sessions. 

As Padme approaches the temple she thoughts wander back to her recent vision. Maybe she should tell either her master or her parents about her vision. It was very disturbing but she doesn't want to ruin the spirited mood of today. Today 3 padawans are be knighted, one of them being herself. Everyone has been in a cheerful mood, looking forward to the ceremony and the small celebration that will follow. Her parents share the position of grand master and will be the ones doing the knighting today. Padme has been waiting years for this and she is afraid that if she tells anyone about this vision her parents might postpone the ceremony. Her parents, her dad especially, have always been protective of their "little" girl.

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