Chapter 4

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Clayton dragged the Jedi down the hallway to his quarters. The girl had stopped her struggling and was letting herself be dragged. She was obviously processing everything that she has just been told. If Clayton was being completely honest with himself, he didn't want to force this girl into marrying him. He knew the reasoning behind it and agreed that this is the best way for him to have a powerful heir for when he is ruler of his empire, but that didn't mean he had to like it.

    The girl, Padme, had impressed him. She was more powerful in the Force than he had originally thought. Even though he had sensed some of her force energy when he reached out to her in the force on many occasions, it was still nothing to how it felt in person. He also, had never been so evenly matched in a lightsaber duel before. It would have lasted a lot long if he hadn't had a modified lightsaber. She is a formidable Jedi but cut off from the Force and surrounded by his army, she is completely at his and his father's mercy.

    Even though she is clearly in distress and in a situation where most women would be a sobbing mess, she has remained fairly calm. He notice some tears escape her eyes after they had entered his ship, but none besides that. She hasn't given in and has kept on fighting. He had sensed fear from her multiple times now, but more often than not he has felt determination and anger directed toward him and his father. While that is something he would normally admire, he doesn't want her constantly fighting him. That will just make everything he has to do harder. He needs to get her to cooperate and he has an idea of how to do just that.

    When they reach his quarters, Clayton opens the door and pulls her in with him, locking the door behind them. He releases his grip on her arm. She immediately moves to the other side of the room, eyeing her surroundings. They were currently in the sitting room which consisted of a large black leather couch and chair with a coffee table. The room was connected to a small kitchen which had a small table that seats two. To the left was a door that lead to his bedroom which had its own bathroom and a walk in closet.

    He watched her for a moment, "You will be confined to these rooms for the time being. The bedroom is through that door along with a bathroom and closet. The closet is already fully stocked with clothing for you. You also have full access to the kitchen." He paused, waiting to see if she would respond. She just glared at him. "We will take my personal shuttle to Korriban tomorrow morning and perform the ceremony tomorrow night when the planet's moon is full."

    "You're going to have to tie me up and drag me there, because there is no way I'm going there without a fight. Even with these cuffs on me. I'll fight you every step of the way on this." There was clear venom in her voice and her glare got more intense.

    "I do not doubt that and I could simply knock you unconscious and tie you to the altar for the ceremony but things would be much easier for me if would cooperate so I have a proposal for you." He waited moment, making sure she was paying attention to what he was saying. "My men and I are currently planning another attack on the Jedi temple. The sole purpose of the previous attack to capture you, the purpose of this next attack is to eliminated the threat of the Jedi." Clayton saw how her face paled slightly at this information. She's smart to be worried. Clayton and his men could have done a lot more damage in the previous attack, had they wanted to but he didn't want to risk Padme escaping. "I have yet to decide whether to kill or capture the younglings and padawans. They could potentially become Knights of Vengeance but it would be difficult to erase all those Jedi teachings and it would much easier to just kill them all along with the knights and masters." Her face was one of pure horror and disgust directed at him. He knows that she was protecting the padawans and younglings in the previous attack and like most Jedi she cares greatly for them. "If you agree to cooperate and not fight me-that means complying with all the requirements of a Sith wedding ceremony and agreeing to have my heir-I will have my men spare the padawans and younglings." He paused, looking her directly in the eyes so that she knows he is serious with what he says next. "If you don't agree to cooperate, I will order my men to kill every child they find in that temple."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2018 ⏰

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