Chapter 2

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As Padme slept she had another vision, again in the domed room with the altar. This time however, Padme was not standing by the altar but lying on her back on the altar looking at the full moon. Padme tried to move her arms in order to lift herself off the altar but feels that they are restrained. She looked up to see that her wrists were chained above her head to the altar. When she tried to move her legs she soon discovered that her ankles were chained well.

    Padme reached out with the Force to remove the restraints but couldn't get them to move. She tried again but still nothing happened. She could sense the Force but she couldn't use it. Normally sensing the Force would help to at least calm her but all she felt was darkness and emptiness. There was no light side of the Force in this chamber, only the dark side and it left Padme feeling cold. She could not use the dark side of the Force. She fought against the chains for a few minutes, hoping that the chains might break but had no such luck. Eventually she gave up and just stared at the moon above her, reciting the Jedi code in her head to try to dispel her rising panic. She knew this was only a vision but things in visions can still hurt you.

    After laying there for about 5 minutes, Padme had finally calmed, assuming that nothing was going to happen when she hears footsteps enter the chamber. She turned her head to the side to see the masked man from her previous vision enter the chamber from a large open door and approach the altar where she was chained. She held his masked gaze hoping that her fear did not show on her face. It took minute for him to reach her being that the chamber was so large. Padme used the time to look him over. He was very tall, probably just a little shorter than her father, and it appeared that under his clothes he had a muscular build. Once he reached the altar he looked down at her. His mask was unnerving, not being able to see the expression on his face, but Padme didn't look away. After staring at her for a moment, one of his gloved hands reached out towards her face again and as happened the previous time the vision started to fade. This time however, Padme heard a distorted voice from the mask speak, "You will be mine soon girl."

    Padme woke with a silent scream on her lips, breathing heavily. This vision was even more disturbing than the one by the lake. Not being able to use the Force while being chained to that altar was terrifying. She had never felt so helpless in her entire life. The way the masked man said "You will be mine soon girl," filled Padme with dread. It sounded an awful lot like he was coming for her and that thought was terrifying. There had been kidnapping attempts in the past when she was younger, only one ever being successful before her parents rescued her. Mostly people either wanting to get back at her parents for taking down the First Order or hoping to use her Force abilities. The one time she was kidnapped was due to her own inexperience and stupidity on mission, and was not a memory she liked to look back on. Padme has two powerful bloodlines, the Skywalker line from her father, and Kenobi line from her mother. Her mother discovered that she was the granddaughter of Obi Wan Kenobi shortly before she took down the First Order.

    Padme was contemplating whether or not she should go wake up her parents to tell them about her visions when she suddenly got a bad feeling from the Force. She sensed multiple dark presences approaching them. They were still a long ways off but they would be here soon. Padme ran to go wake up her parents but as she approached the door it quickly opened and her parents ran out. Apparently she is not the only one who sensed the dark side users getting closer. They ran to the temple.

    "I thought there were no more Sith." Padme shouted to her parents as they ran, sensing other Jedi knights, and masters also running to the temple.

    "I don't know if these are Sith but there has always been possibility of there being dark side users out there. I may have ended the Knights of Ren, but that did not mean that all teachings of the dark side were lost," her father said. However, he still seemed troubled.

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