You Have A Crush On Him (J5 era)

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August 8, 1972

Today I was going to go over to Michael's house and show him the new star trek action figure my dad got me.

It was also the day I was finally going to tell Michael that I had a crush on him.

"Where are you going Y/N" Jim, my father asks as I walk through the door.

"Dad you don't have to worry, I'm just going over to Michaels house to show him the new action figure you got me," I say, smiling.

"Be safe my little bunny. Oh and say hi to Michael for me" he says, waving goodbye.

"Ok dad, see ya later alligator," I say, waving back.

I was so excited to see Michael that I basically bolted through the front door.

When I reached the Jacksons residence, I knocked quickly.

Jackie was the one who answered the door this time usually it would be Michael himself or even Janet.

"Why hello there little miss Y/N, what can I do for you today," he asks, with a growing smirk on his face.

Jackie is so annoying, he's like my brother from another mother.

Today I wanted to tell him my deepest darkest secret.

So, I signaled for him to come closer and bend down to my height so I could whisper in his ear.

"The reason why I wanted to come here today was to finally tell Michael how I feel about him," I whisper, grabbing the cooler of his shirt and standing on the tips of my toes.

"Really," he says, eyes wide.

"Oh, I also wanted to tell him about the new Star Trek action figure my dad got for me," I say, bringing it out from behind my back.

"Y/N, listen. I have to tell you something" he urges, stepping closer to me.

Jackie had a visible frown on his face, he looked so upset for some reason. I was so confused.

"Y/N, I have to tell you something. Michael has a gi-" he rushes, arms out and waving in front of him.

Before he could finish his sentence, Michael came down the stairs in a hurry and ran towards us.

He had the biggest smile on his face.

"Y/N come on, I have something I want to tell you." He smiles.

Well, I guess whatever Jackie had to say will have to wait.

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