You Have A Crush On Him J5 era (continued)

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August 8, 1972

After finally getting up the long flight of stairs we headed straight to Michaels room.

I always admired it, it was perfect for him.

It was very modern looking with all his records stacked neatly in a bookshelf where the player laid on top next to a photo frame of both of us hugging and smiling.

His whole room was in fact decorated with picture frames all over the walls of his family and me.

I sat on his bed and my action figure still behind my back, ready to show him.

Michael locked the door, turned to look at me over his shoulder and took a deep breath.

I guess this was some really big news.

"Y/N, the news I have to tell you" he paused, rubbing his hands together.

I noticed it was something he frequently did when he got nervous, it's such a weird habit but only one of many.

"Is very important, it's not bad news. It's in fact very good news. Do you remember Amber" he smiles, looking at me.

"The girl from our English class?," I question, trying to see if i recollect some type of memory of her.

Oh yeah, that Amber.

She is so annoying, always clinging to Michael and asking to hang out with him.

I hated her because she would make Michael always forget about me whenever they were together.

For example, one time at lunch we were sitting at our usual place near the water fountain.

We were planning on having a sleepover on the weekend at his house, it was gonna be so awesome but then came along little miss pigtails who had to go ruin everything.

She had asked Michael if he wanted to play on the playground, and being the jerk he was said yes without even noticing I was there and that's how it all started from there.

I didn't even get a goodbye or at least a see you later from him, he didn't pay any attention to me for the whole day while he was with her.

You can imagine how I felt.

"Yes, that's the one. So, I would like to tell you that I asked her to be my girl and she said yes" After those words left his mouth I decided to put on a fake smile and the best cbeerie voice possible so that I didn't want to surprise him with a negative reaction.

"Michael, that is so groovy. You guys look so good together" I say, trying so hard not to sound sarcastic.

I ended up just looking down into my lap trying to hide the tears blurring my vision. Great, just great.

I should have known this was coming, I have to get out of here.

Why didn't Jackie tell me when I first got here?

This would have been so much easier than going through it face to face. 

"Aww thank you Y/N. This is why your my best friend" he chuckles, leaning in to give me a hug.

I dodged his hug and ran for the door. I didn't even bother to look back.

I just don't want to be here anymore.

Tears flowing freely now, I ran all the way to Jackie and started the hit his chest

"Why didn't you tell me, why?" i cry, wanting answers.

"Y/N I tried to tell you, I really did but I guess it's too late now. I'm really sorry" he sighs, trying to calm me down.

Now, Jackie had already captured my wrists and wrapped them around his neck. Making me hug him.

I desperately tried to get away from him but found that it was no use due to him being older and stronger.

I hug him back not knowing what else to do anymore.

As we sat with my head in the crook of his neck and me crying my eyes out, i noticed that Jackie actually cared for me.

He's the first to come and comfort me in a long time.

Third person pov

Meanwhile, Michael was sitting in his room trying to figure out what he did wrong.

He thought you'd be happy for him that he found someone he liked who liked him back.

That's what best friends do, they are happy and supportive towards each other.


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