He Adopts You

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Dec 4, 1982

I was sitting on my bed, reading a book called 'The tales of Winnie the Pooh'.

I had discovered it whilst walking around the garden, I found it in a small shrub covered in vines near the big patio.

Someone must have placed it there and forgotten its whereabouts.

Either way, it gave me something to do when I was bored or when we weren't allowed to play outside due to wet weather.

Even though I was seven, I still loved to read and pick out the different structures in different authors writing.

Today the weather was perfect and all the kids were outside, every single one of them excited and ready for the arrival of the special guest this evening.

The headmaster wouldn't say who the guest was, the only clue she gave was that he was very well known to the public. I didn't care though.

It had seemed that no matter who came into this place to pick a child to take home and start a family, nobody chose me.

Guess I wasn't good enough for peoples expectations these days.

"Y/N, hurry up we have to meet Mrs. Brown in the library" He yelled, running past me down the hall.

I loved James. He was always hopeful whenever someone came.

He never gave up, even when nobody chose him.

"Fine JimJam, I'm coming" I smirk, signaling that I was only teasing.

Jimjam is my nickname for him due to his obsession with strawberry jam.

It's quite crazy, I've never met someone in love with such a thing in the entire world.

He doesn't even share his sandwiches when he makes them.

Well, with the exception of his best friend of course.

That's me if you didn't know already.

"Y/N, how many times have I told you not to call me that. It's embarrassing" he said, cheeks going a deep shade of rose.

Before I  could answer, I was pulled by the arm and placed next to him by Mrs. Brown. What a witch. I'm just glad I was placed next to somebody I knew.

Standing side by side in a line with the rest of the kids and waiting to get picked out and taken home with a new parent sounds great but in reality, it really isn't.

Every time this happens I feel like I've been enrolled in the army, lining up alongside our bunks for inspection.

The butterflies in my stomach and the sick feeling in my stomach don't help either.

As we stood and waited in line, I grabbed James's hand, leaned in and whispered a quick good luck to him.

Soon enough a tall man with dark curly hair and large sunglasses walks in.

He was dressed in a red shirt and long ironed black pants, paired with fancy shoes.

The kind I've only ever seen James brown wear.

He looked straight in our direction and started to slowly walk up the line.

Of course, he didn't have to, I guess it added effect.

It wasn't until he had reached right in front of where James and I were standing.

"You, I want you"

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