the fake smile the real pain

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fake a smile every day

even when you

really don't want to

I've become accustomed

to the lies in my life

don't remember

then look back

go read my eyes in my past

don't dare to say I'm lying

'cause i only lie

when i say I'm alright

I'm sick and tired

of living this way

I'm not even living

I just breathe

inhale exhale

tow simple steps

to keep me on Earth

blink of an eye

one two three

where am i

I've lost myself

in a mirror of lies

fibs and fairy tale

there is no difference

in my eyes

bothe are fake

but one can come true

not the one

with the happy ever after ending

i can say goodbye

but I'm a coward

i can't come forward

well at least to my problems

that me go to the blade

and use myself

as a way to deal with it

now i just want to go

but i won't

I'm sorry so

this isn't goodbye

but see you next time

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