Days get longer,
Harder, too stressful
When I can't stay strong
I will try to go
I'm weak,
Useless, and worthless
The words are etched
Into my head
And into my skin
Pills, blades, fire
Three things I want
Want to use right now
It's too hard
I'm too far gone
Dizzy and can't see
See past the bad
But there is no good
God? Well
He's an asshole
What did I do to him
To make him
torture me
I loved him so
But now I don't
He wanted me destroyed
Just like the rest
The rest of
the world that is
Falling deeper
Into the ground
I want to go
To my kingdom
It's six feet
in the ground
And two feet wide
I don't want it
Fancy with gold
But wood
So the earth
Help God destroy me
But I'll already be dead
But I'm scared
Scared to
dig too deep
Or take to many
Small white tablets
Or even just
Burn my throat open
I've fought long enough
Too long in fact
I wasn't tough
So I'm losing
To my inside
Demons haunt me
But only at night
Or days like these
The ones when people
Left for something better
Or to God
I can't love anymore
Not like that
At least
I'm too weak
Too ugly
Don't people know
I'm not a guy
I'm a girl
Who's broken
on the inside
Just to even it out
I brake my own skin
So it's too on the outside
I love you
Never forget that
So please don't
leave me too
I can't take
More hurt
Or hate
Stay by my side
But I got to go
So goodbye