💛Chapter One💛

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My mom says I am a freak. I am starting to believe her more and more each day. I can become invisible at will, and I have begun to reanimate the dead and the clay figures I have built. My name is Katerina. I have been to over 7 hospitals and dozens of therapists. Nothing has helped me. That is until my mom and I took a trip to Wales. I lived in London at the time. In london I used to have a friend named Enoch. He had the same ability as me. He could reanimate the dead, and dolls. We played together when we were children and when the war started I became fearful and wouldn't talk to anyone but Enoch. One awful day Enoch went missing. I looked all over the city, but with no luck. I went home sobbing after the tenth day of searching. I had given up. I stayed in my room most of the time. I began bringing my clay figures back to life with chicken hearts and other small animal hearts. Once they were alive I would smash their heads and watch them die. My mom did not seem to care that she never saw me because when I did come out of my room she would either ignore me or call me a freak, and because of this I rarely left my room.
One summer my mom decided we would take a summer trip to Wales. I wasn't quite sure why, but I agreed. The day we left for wales it was clear and beautiful outside. It was strange for me though. Since I never left my room I have not really been exposed to much sunlight. It felt nice to be outdoors. Once we got to Wales I immediately set my stuff in my room and went exploring, eager to try to make a new friend. I soon discovered that there was only 3 kids my age on the island. They were quite annoying. They were so incredibly rude and decided to play a prank on me. I was wandering around when they started to chase me. They ran me into the bog on the other side of the island. Then they ran away. Leaving me in the dark bog. It was around eight pm and starting to get dark quite rapidly. I knew my mom would not be very concerned if I didn't come back to my room, so I tried to look around. It started to rain. I desperately searched for shelter. I decided it would be best to become invisible for the time being. I found a small cave in the thick of the bog. I wandered inside. The cave was small, no way any grown adult could walk in and not hit their heads. I walked for about two minutes and looked up ahead of me. I saw light. Not any lantern or fire, but daylight. The sun. 'But how is that possible?' I thought. 'Its night time!' I crept towards the light with caution, not knowing what to expect on the other side of this dark cave. As I emerged from the cave i found myself standing in broad daylight. "Where am I?" I whispered to myself. "You must be peculiar! What is your peculiarity?" I heard a young girl's voice say. I jumped at this and spun around to see a small girl with a tiara on her head and heavy looking shoes on her feet. How could she walk in those? "I don't want to sound rude but who exactly are you, and what do you mean peculiar?" I asked the girl. "Oh i'm Olive! I live here." She pointed to the very large house behind us. "And you must be peculiar. Only peculiars can pass through the loop. So what is your peculiarity?" before waiting for an answer she unbuckled her shoes. She grabbed my hands and began to float in the air. "I can float in the air. It is quite fun!" she exclaimed. I did not know what to do. I was so stunned I almost let go of her hands. "Could you set me back in my shoes please?" She pleaded. "Oh sure." I set her feet into her shoes and fastened them up so she could not float away from the ground. "I should take you to Miss Peregrine. Follow me!" I followed Olive to the large house. It was incredible!
Olive lead me to the door and it was opened by an older woman with a wide grin on her face. "Oh Olive right on time dear! Who might this young lady be?" she asked Olive. It had just occurred to me that i never told Olive my name. "Oh my name is Katerina Di Angelo ma'am," I told her. I once had a brother and sister but i had forgotten about them. I suspect my dad died in the war but i was never quite certain. "Lovely. Now what might your peculiarity be, dear?" I hadn't thought to ask what that meant. "What does that mean, Miss......" i faltered, not knowing her name. "Peregrine. You are peculiar dear. You do have some sort of special power, do you not?" Now I knew what she meant. This is a home for freaks such as me. "Oh. Well um.... I can become invisible at will. I have also been able to reanimate dead things and clay by placing hearts inside of them. There is one more thing I can do, too. I can also manipulate water, air, and fire. Is that normal?" I asked. Olive could only float. I started to wonder if even here I was normal. "Oh my! What a long list of peculiarities for one girl. Most peculiars only have one power. Well nevermind that. I can explain it all to you tomorrow. First I would like to introduce you to my other wards. Come with me dear. Olive you may go play with Claire if you would like." Olive ran off to go find this 'Claire' while I followed Miss Peregrine.
We walked into a garden where what looked about ten children where playing. "Hugh, Fiona, Emma, come here please!" Three teenagers ran over to us. "This is Katerina. Katerina, this is Hugh" she pointed to the boy who ran over to me. As he stuck out his hand for me to shake it, a bee flew out of his mouth. I must have gasped because he started to laugh. "Hi, Katerina. Im Hugh. I can control bees and they live in my stomach." he seemed quite nice. "It's nice to meet you, Hugh. And your bees." I let out a small laugh. He ran away to go play with the other children as i turned to look at the girls who had come over. "My name is Emma Bloom. It is wonderful to meet you, Katerina. My talent is the manipulation of fire. What's yours?" I looked at her. She talked a bit fast. Her hands started to spark with flames dancing around her palms. "Hello, Emma. That is very impressive. I have multiple peculiarities actually. I can manipulate fire, but not as well as you, water, and air. I can also become invisible and reanimate dolls, clay figures, and the dead." I tried not to boast but I felt as if I came off as a bit boastful because her flame went out as soon as I said fire. "That's..... Amazing! I've never heard of anyone with that many peculiarities." she said as she turned away. I looked at the last girl. "Hello." she said meekly. "Hi. Are you Fiona?" she nodded. "It's nice to meet you. What is your peculiarity?" I asked, not sure if she would reply or not. "I am very good with plants." she told me as she ran off to Hugh. Miss Peregrine sighed. "She's never been much of a talker." she called over some more people. I saw a young girl in a pink dress standing next to Olive. A muscled girl stood behind the two little girls protectively. "This is Bronwyn," she pointed to the strong looking girl. She seemed to be about a year older than I was. "Hello." she grunted. "Hi. What is your peculiarity Bronwyn?" I asked. She replied quickly. "I have inhuman strength." she looked down at Claire. Miss Peregrine spoke again. "This is Claire. She's a bit shy. She is a backmouth, and gets a bit embarrassed about it at times." I looked at the little girl. "Hello, Claire. You're absolutely beautiful." She beamed and pulled a cookie out of her pocket and split it in half. "Here you go, miss Katerina!" she handed me half of the cookie and proceed to take her half and set it to the back of her head. She spun around to reveal a large mouth on the back of her head. It had great sharp teeth and looked like it could hurt tremendously if it bit you. The mouth ate the cookie as soon as Claire turned around. After she had finished eating she flashed me a grand smile and her, Olive, and Bronwyn ran to go play. "Now only three more of my wards for you to meet. Come along. They are in the house." She ushered me into the house to go meet the three other children.
To my surprise, all three of the were my age. I met Horace first. He was wearing a suit and top hat. "Did he know someone new was coming?" I asked Emma, who had followed us into the house. "No. Horace only ever wears suits. We don't quite know why." she explained. "Hello. Splendid to meet you Miss Katerina. My name is Horace Somnusson. Might I ask what your peculiarity is?" After I told him, he seemed to be in a bit of shock. "Might I ask what yours is?" I asked him in a posh voice. "I have prophetic dreams. I can see the future." I was amazed. "Wow! That's incredible!" I said. He simply laughed and walked away. The next person I met was an invisible boy named Millard. "Hello. You must be Katerina. I am Millard Nullings." He seemed quite kind and told me how he loved books and studies. I spent a lot of my time back in london reading. We talked for what seemed like forever. An eternity later Miss Peregrine walked into the library to find us still talking. "My goodness! It has been two hours, and you two are still talking? I bet you will be great friends. Millard, how did you take it when she told you about her invisibility?" She asked him. He gasped. "Wait, your invisible too?! But I can see you!" I laughed. "Yes because I haven't become invisible yet." I told him. "You can choose to become invisible whenever you want!?" He yelled, but in a happy and surprised tone. "Yes. One moment please." I closed my eyes and concentrated on not being seen and heard Miss Peregrine clap. I opened my eyes and looked up. There sat the most handsome boy I have ever seen in my life. He was perfect. He had warm brown eyes and dark brown hair. He was looking at me with a look of confusion on his face. I gasped from being able to see him. "How come I can still see you, Katerina? Did you turn invisible yet." I zoned out, entranced by the boy's features. I must have not realized it because I heard Millard cough and brought me out of my trance. "Millard? You can see her? But how?" Miss Peregrine asked the boy. "I have no idea." was all he replied with. He seemed to be staring at me,too. "Millard...." I began. "I can see you." This came as a shock for both of them because they gasped in unison. "You can see me?!" he asked. Shock and confusion clouding his face. "Oh I am so sorry you two but it is time for dinner." Miss Peregrine replied.
Millard and I followed her into the dining room. I was still invisible and walked by Millard's side, my hand in his. I sat down at the large table in the open seat next to Millard. I looked around the table and the children started to gasp. "She's invisible?" I heard someone say. "Who is that?" a voice said. Just as I was about to become visible again, I heard "Millard get out of my seat!" a familiar voice grumbled. "I'm not in your seat Enoch! Katerina is sitting there. Go somewhere else!" As soon as Millard said Enoch's name I looked up to reveal my old childhood friend. I quickly turned visible again and jumped up to hug him. "Enoch!" He stumbled back a bit before he caught me. Enoch studied my face for a moment before embrassing me once more with his strong arms. "Katerina! God, how I've missed you." as we pulled apart we noticed everyone staring at us. "Enoch used to live next to me when he lived in London. He went missing one day and I have been inside my room ever since." Enoch looked at me with concerned eyes. "What! If I had known that would happen then I would have never left! I am so sorry Katerina." he began to freak out. He still cares about me even after he left. "It's alright Enoch. I have been fine." We sat down at the table, I next to millard and Enoch next to Hugh.
After dinner we went to the living room for "movie time" as Millard called it. We sat on couches and chairs as Horace projected his dream from the night before. "He dreams about clothes mostly." Millard whispered in my ear. I was sitting in between him and Fiona, whom I began to talk with more after dinner was over and we started to slowly become friends. The "movie" was mostly Horace trying on different suits and hats. Suddenly his dream changed. Millard and I were sitting in the library when someone knocked on the door. A man with blank white eyes stared right at me and turned to a boy he had clasped in his grip. "Is this her, Jacob?" he asked, a wide devilish grin plastered to his ugly face "Ye-ye-yes." The boy stuttered. Then all of a sudden the man had me in his strong grasp as well. Millard screamed my name and ran to me. The man threw "Jacob" on the ground and grabbed a cage with a bird inside of it. A peregrine falcon. Millard tried to grab me and the man said we could say our goodbyes. We were not sure what that meant but before I knew it Millard's lips brushed against mine. He then set his forehead on mine and whispered "I will find you. I love you, Kat." but before I knew it I had vanished. Millard was left screaming on the floor saying it was all Jacob's fault. The dream ended. Everyone sat there in silence and stared at me. Miss Peregrine then announced it was bedtime. "Millard will you take Katerina to her room?" he nodded his head and grabbed my hand as we walked off down the hallway and up a flight of stairs. Millard led me to a room and said "This is your room, Katerina. Mine is to the left of yours and Horace's is to the right." I was about to thank him and tell him goodnight when he hugged me and said "I won't let Horace's dream come true. I promise." and he walked away, leaving me inside of a near empty room.

Sorry if that is not the way you imagined Millard. It's how I think he would look. Feel free to imagine him looking different if you'd like. If you would like you may comment what you think he would look like if he was visible.

Bye!!! 🐝🐝🐝

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