❤Chapter Four❤

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I have been at the Children's home for about six weeks now. I spend most of my time with Millard, as he is my best friend. I have become great friends with Fiona, Horace, and Hugh, also. Enoch and I enjoy having our little clay creations battle, after we bring them to life. Today I was talking with Bronwyn, who seemed a bit down. “What’s wrong wyn?” I asked, as cautious as I could. “Oh nothing. I just miss Victor is all.” I had never met a ‘Victor’. I wonder who that is. “Who, who is Victor?” I was careful not to overstep my boundaries. She sighed. “Follow me.”
Bronwyn led me to a small room that I had passed dozens of times before. I never knew what was inside of it, and whenever I asked Millard, he just brushed it off. Bronwyn and I walked into the room and I saw a boy, about a year older than I was, sleeping. No, he was not asleep. The more I studied him, the more I noticed. He had dark brown hair, and skin paler than a ghost’s. His eyes were closed, a clear sign he was asleep. As soon as I glanced at his chest, I noticed one major detail about the boy. He was not breathing. “Is he…” bronwyn looked at me with sad eyes. “.....dead.” she finished for me. “Oh.” I said, before a thought came into my mind. “I could revive him. It would only be for a few minutes though.” She glanced at me. “You would really do that? Enoch has only tried once, and refuses to do it again.” she murmured. “Really?” I wondered if Enoch had any type of relationship with this boy, Victor, as I came to know him as. “Yes. Victor and Enoch used to be good friends. Before this happened.” She glanced down. “He was my brother.” Bronwyn whispered this. I felt awful, yet I wanted to know more. Like how did Victor die? How is he in perfect condition, he looks as if he is merely asleep, peaceful and happy. “Wyn. I am so sorry. Would you like to talk to him?” she nodded like a soloum child. I assured her I would be right back, and went to go retrieve a heart from my room.
When I got back, Bronwyn was sitting on Victor's bed with a grief stricken look in her eyes. I walked over to the bed and sat down on a chair next to it. I pulled the heart out of a bag and tossed the sheet covering Victor’s chest aside gently. I pushed on the heart once, and set it into Victor’s empty chest. Almost instantly, he sat up. “Hello Victor.” Bronwyn said. “Wyn!” He said, as he pulled her into a hug. Just then Enoch walked into the room and gasped. “Katerina! What have you done?” he whisper shouted. “Hi Enoch! I reanimated Victor for Wyn. Come say hello.” Enoch just stared at me as he walked over to my chair. I was beaming, proud of what I did. That is until Victor started his coughing fit.
I didn’t know what was going on until Victor announced, “Help me! Let me go back! Let me leave!” he was in pain. I felt awful but I had to know more. “Victor, I’ll let you go, but I just need to ask one thing. Is it alright if once every week or two I wake you so I can run some tests?” He looked at me, his eyes full of sadness. “Yes. I guess that would be fine. Just not too much, okay?” “I promise. Bye Victor.” Bronwyn said her goodbyes, as did Enoch, and I pulled the heart out of Victor’s chest. Victor then looked as calm and serene as he did before I gave him a heart.
Bronwyn, Enoch, and I were sitting in the sitting room whe Millard walked in and sat beside me. “Hello. Kat What have you been up to today?” I didn't really want to tell him. Millard would surely scold me. “Nothing. What about you, Mil?” He grabbed my hand. “Follow me.” I waved goodbye to Wyn and Enoch and followed Millard out of the room.
We ended up in the woods, where a beautiful picnic was set up for two. I was delighted! “Aw Mil! That is so sweet.” He looked at me and laughed. “Well, are you going to stand there all day gushing about the picnic or are we going to eat?” I laughed and rolled my eyes. We sat down and began eating. I threw a grape at him, to see if he would catch it. As I had expected, he didn't, Millard didn't even notice the grape flying at his clueless face until it hit him right in between the eyes. I couldn't help myself from laughing, and neither could he. The woods had become our “hang out spot” where we went and just spent the day laughing and talking, and acting like ourselves. For the rest of the day Millard and I just played hide and seek.
“It's getting pretty dark. We should head home.” I said. “You're right.” He grabbed my hand and kissed the top of it. “I love hanging out with you, Kat. You are the best, best friend anyone could ever have!” I laughed and curtsied, and began to talk in a fake “posh” accent. “Why thank you kind sir! It was a pleasure to spend my time in your company on this fine day.” We began to laugh and he grabbed my hand and we walked back to the house.

Thanks so much for reading! I've been writing a lot of filler chapters and I am so sorry! Please forgive me, but I'll try really really hard to do better!!!

Bye!!! 🐝🐝🐝

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