💜Chapter Five💜

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"Millard, what's wrong?" Millard walked to the door of the library. Millard and I were in the library having tea, and reading The Map of Days when he just got up and walked away. "I'm sorry." He said. "For?" I was so confused. "I let you down! I know I did. I don't deserve someone like you. You're perfect, and I'm just a let down." he walked away without another word. I followed him out to the garden, where all the other children were, when I heard someone scream. "HOLLOW!" A boy I had never seen before yelled. We all ran, but the next thing I knew, Millard was screaming and kicking in the air above me. "MILLARD!" I called. Not even a second later he fell to the ground, dead.
I awoke with a shriek, only to find Horace rush into my room. "Kat is everything alright?" He asked. "Y-yes." I replied weakly. I began to cry. I couldn't help myself, because I just saw my best friend murdered by a hollow right in front of my eyes. Horace sat down on my bed and let me lay my head on his shoulder. "What happened?" I explained my dream to him, to which he replied with "At least you're not the one with prophetic dreams." I laughed a little at his joke, but still felt a terror deep inside my stomach. "Could you stay. I'm too scared to sleep." I said quietly. "Of course. I can't sleep either. My dreams make sleep too scary." He chuckled. "Thanks."
We stayed up talking most of the night, and even played a few board games. It began to get brighter outside and I looked at my watch that I had set on my bedside table. "It's already 6 am!" I exclaimed. His eyes widened a bit. "I should go back to my room before The Bird sees. Or anyone for that matter. They might get angry with us for being awake." I frowned a bit. "Okay, bye Horace. I'll see you at breakfast!" He smiled and nodded, then walked to his room.
I walked down to the dining room when Emma stopped me. "Hello Kat. It's a lovely morning isn't it? Did you sleep well?" She was being very odd. "Um, yes, thank you. What about you?" She smiled. "Oh yes I had a lovely sleep. Do you know how Horace was last night?" I was silent for a moment. "I've no clue." "Don't lie, Kat. I just want to know what you and Horace we're doing last night. You better not have been planning more of your silly little pranks." I was shocked. She was being incredibly rude. "I woke up from a bad dream and Horace came to check up on me. Neither of us could sleep after that so we just stayed up and read some books, played a few board games, and each made a new outfit for each other." "Oh, okay. I love your dress by the way." She gleamed. "Thank you. This is the dress Horace made last night." I told her. "Well it's lovely. Come on, we must not be late for breakfast."
That day I spent my time with Hugh. Emma had gone away on some sort of day trip I believe, outside of the loop. I wanted to go so badly but Miss Peregrine had said no. Hugh and I were playing football in the garden when I heard Emma yelling at someone inside of the house. "Shut up!" She yelled. Hugh and I had stopped playing and I ran into the house. I stopped immediately, wide eyed, as I saw the boy. This boy was the same one from my dream. The one who screamed "hollow", and was also the one from Horace's dream. The one where I get taken by a Wight. I was in shock. He looked like Abe. Abe was a friend of us peculiars, and was one of us as well. He went away to war though, and never returned. He and Emma we're in love. Millard and I would always tease them about it, but once Abe left, leaving Emma heartbroken, we never spoke of him again. The boy was named Jacob, and that's all I know. I didn't take another look at anyone, and ran upstairs to my room.
Once I was safely locked away in my room, I began to cry. This meant Horace's dream was to come true, leaving a possibility of mine becoming a reality as well. I heard a knock on my door, and saw Millard walk in. I was invisible at the moment so I was able to see his face. He was incredible. His soft brown hair always a bit messed up, and his beautiful dark brown eyes laced with concern anytime he saw me upset. His smile could light up any room he walked into and when he frowned, I just couldn't help but to hug him, wanting to make all of his worries drift away. Millard was my best friend and I wanted it to stay that way forever and always. I knew it would, because we'll be alive, here forever. Stuck in this loop on an island. I am really quite fine with it, though. It means I will spend more time, well all of eternity, with my best friends. That is my one wish. To stay here with my friends for as long as I possibly can. I love every aspect of this island, and our loop. "Kat!" Millard ran towards me, quickly embracing me in a tight hug. "I saw. Everything is going to be just fine. Horace's dream will not come true. I promise." And with that he kissed my forehead and hugged me, while I sobbed against his shoulder. We stayed like that for about half an hour or so. My crying stopped, and I lifted my head up to look at him. "Thank you, Mil. You are the best friend I have ever had." He smiled. "You are very welcome, Kat. I love you so much." I smiled, and replied with, "I love you, too, Millard." I leaned my head back on his shoulder, closing my eyes. He kissed my cheek as I drifted off into a deep sleep.

I'll try to post another update later tonight!

Bye!!! 🐝🐝🐝

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