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The Light & The Darkness 
III. The Child of Parent

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MARY WAS AWOKEN by her two chief ladies-in-waiting, Grace and Anne. Grace and Anne had been in the service of Princess Mary since she was the age of five. Mary had agreed with her mother she would expand her household into the royal elegance of a crown princess.

She was a stubborn child, just like her late grandfather, King George. She always got what she wanted, but she was a York Princess and had to compromise with her mother about her household.

The Plantagenets know what they want and take by any means necessary. They take it through blood and tears. The House of York has been taking what they want for over centuries, and when the House of York had fallen in England, it rose in Cyandare.

They are what made Cyandare great again. Its first queen was a York, a warrior queen who had a love of the people and the fear of her enemies with God's will at her side.

No one could say that the Plantagenet isn't a wealthy and royal house. However, Mary must put aside her beliefs and show her rich heritage through her household.

Even though she hated it, having a lot of noblewomen around was not so bad because she wasn't alone physically. Though, in her mind, no one truly supported Mary. All she had was her mother, and her mother was dying.

Mary would have to stay strong, bearing her mother's impending death. She had to be the leader of her people. Mary had to be the head of her family and the white witch coven leader. She had the blood of old dynasties in her veins.

She is York with a Seymour temper and the rage of the Ottomans. The intelligence of a Neville and the skilfulness of a Lancastrian. She is the princess and Sultana of the world. She has claimed too many thrones in Europe.

She is everyone's greatest fear.

She could destroy or make Europe when she takes the throne.

Anne and Grace stood over a sleeping Mary as she slept peacefully. The two girls tilted their heads, wondering what the princess could be dreaming. Curiosity crosses their minds. "What do you believe she dreams of?" Grace asked, and Anne shrugged her shoulders at the question.

"Do you believe she dreams about Lord Edward or being queen?" asked Anne as she looked upon Grace, who had an annoyed expression. Grace shook her head in irritation as she moved closer to Mary, tapping her a little.

As Grace tried to wake the princess, Anne walked over to Mary's vanity, placing her jewels out for the day. She prepares brushes, combs, and pearls for Mary's hair. Anne opens the chamber door to servants that hold dresses in their hands for Mary to choose from.

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