You Meet Again

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Arriving miraculously on time to the hospital you head right towards your station wanting to find out if there was any information on the kid that Iron Man flew over. Interestingly enough Tony Stark himself was standing there in a different suit entirely one much fancier, as you approached. "Ah there you are my dear."He remarked his face lighting up at the sight of you? Was Tony Stark actually happy to see you? "Luckily with my speed we were able to get the young boy here in time, and while it's too soon to tell it looks like he is going to fully recover."He said with his usual smirk.

"Oh thank god."You said breathing out a sigh of relief, placing your jacket down on your chair behind the counter.

"Actually it's Tony Stark, but you can call me God if you agree to let me take you out to dinner to thank you for your hand in saving that boy today."He said with a wide grin plastered on his face making you speechless for a moment.

"I would like that very much Mr. Stark."You reply after the momentary shock wore off.

"Please call me Tony, Mr. Stark was my father."He said handing you a card with his phone number written down on it. "Call me after your shift and we can hammer out the details."He chuckled before shooting you a wink and walking away leaving you unable to believe what had just happened.


Very quickly you were pulled into another room by a top HYDRA agent who decided that you would make the perfect leverage to get him out of this situation alive. Squeezing his fingers around your neck you could hardly breathe under the pressure, feeling the barrel of his gun press against your temple. Moving you out into the hallway you can hardly see at this point, but then again you didn't know if you truly wanted to. A familiar voice once again rings out bringing you back to just a few moments ago, making you wish you had listened to it the first time. "Let them go."The man in the suit demanded.

"I don't think you are in a position to be demanding anything of me."The HYDRA agent sneered not bothering to let up in the slightest. "Now I get to walk out the door, or they get a bullet to the brain."He threatened not making a move just yet waiting for the response. Suddenly the world was growing darker as his hand clenched harsher than necessary down on your throat.

Coming to, things were super hazy it was hard to focus on where you were because of how bright it was and how you weren't used to it. "It's okay, you are safe now. Don't sit up too fast or you will make yourself dizzy."Steve said holding out a white cup with a straw out to you. "It's just water, it will feel good."He said with a warm smile helping you drink. "I'm Steve Rogers, and before you ask we have your sister, she is safe. They can't hurt her or you anymore."He explained making you feel like a weight was off your chest, tears of relief flowing from your eyes.

"Thank you, just thank you."You gasped out, your throat feeling raw and irritated.


The man had set you down after you chuckled at his pick up line, but just as fast as he had appeared he was gone from your sight. However he was the only thing on your mind for the next week or more. That was until there was a knock at your door, and you definitely were not expecting anyone. Looking through the peephole, holding your pistol in both hands you immediately relax when you see it's the man that had saved you. Opening the door he gave you a look of shock, obviously not expecting you to be who he was going to encounter. "It's you."He said with a smirk now brazen on his face.

"Who did you expect?"You asked returning the smirk with one of your own.

"Sargent (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N)."Clint said seriously looking down at the paper. "Says here you are the best Marksman to come out of the Army. I was here to offer you a position with SHIELD, and maybe even the Avengers. Although now I also kind of want to ask you out on a date."He said attaching his bow to his quiver behind his back.

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