First Kiss!

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After going to dinner one night you had both ended up down in his lab tinkering on some upgrades to Spider-Man's suit. While it was fascinating it started to blur all together as your eyelids started to droop closed. Softly you felt a soft pair of lips against yours causing you to stir and smile into the kiss. Opening your eyes you were met with a pair of chocolate brown ones, seeing only warmth and joy in them. "I've been wanting to do that since the day we met."Tony said softly leaning in to kiss you again.

"So why didn't you?"You chuckle placing a quick teasing peck right next to his mouth.

"I was being a gentleman, I wanted to be the opposite of what you might expect from a former playboy."He smirked flashing his ever cocky grin.

"You better be a former playboy."You said playfully slapping his shoulder before resting your forehead in the same spot. It was clear that you were falling head over heels for this man, one who decidedly changed into who he wanted to be just for you.


It was a rare outing with the rest of the gang and you had decided to go bowling, opting to do something physical instead of just going to a bar. That's not to say that alcohol, including some Asgardian mead smuggled in courtesy of Thor wasn't involved in the evening. By the time you were on your second game everyone was feeling pretty tipsy but overall having a blast. Of course you and Steve were on a team versus Bucky and his significant other so you would give each other little pep talks. (and maybe some good luck butt slaps on your part) It came down to the final frame, and if you got one more strike you would win the game.

Lining it up you felt Steve come up behind you seemingly for one of your cutesy pep talks instead you feel him guide your chin to the side pressing his lips to yours. Closing your eyes you wrapped your arms around his neck deepening the kiss. As you part from each other you hear your entire group hollering and clapping. "Good luck baby."He says in your ear, placing another chaste peck on your cheek. Shaking it off, pretending to fan yourself off for a second you realigned yourself. Stepping forward, swinging the ball down and releasing it you watched as it barreled down towards the pins.

In that moment you swore you stopped breathing for far too long, holding it in as the pins crashed down one by one until there was nothing left. Jumping in the air you ran at Steve leaping into his arms kissing him once again in celebration.


Why were you running? Well flashback to about an hour ago when you were messing around with Clint's bow and arrow's because apparently you have a death wish. Fast forward to you accidentally shooting through his couch cushion with an arrow you really didn't mean to fire. Now your objective was to hide because he was about to find out what happened in less than a minute. The best you can think of is a closet hiding behind all of the things making it seem like you couldn't possibly be in there. "(Y/N)!!! What the hell is this?! Where are you sweetheart."The last part of his sentence was seemingly more like a cat ready to play with it's dinner rather than a term of endearment. Taking a deep breath you just need to hide a little bit longer.

The door opens and you have to fight to keep yourself from making any noise. Suddenly the clothing protecting you were ripped to one side causing you to scream louder than anticipated. "You're lucky I'm already mostly deaf because that would have done it."He said smirking wrapping his arm around your waist pulling you towards him. "Now, what did I tell you about messing with my bow?"He asked like a father scolding his child.

"That I will probably put someone's eye out if not my own?"You said scoffing rolling your eyes a little resisting the urge to pout.

"Or just make a hole in my cushion!"He said tickling you feverishly before pulling you in pressing his lips softly to yours smiling into it. You were easily falling in love with this adorable weirdo.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2018 ⏰

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