They Ask You On A Date

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All shift long you kept thinking about how you wanted to call Tony, it was a major distraction but not enough to cause problems. Finally after 12 full hours, and a quick stop to check on the boy whose name was Toby as you learned, you were free to call him. Walking towards your apartment you thought about grabbing a cab but you wanted some semblance of privacy while you were on the phone. Pulling the card out of your pocket you dialed it, waiting for someone to answer with baited breath. "Hello?"His voice rang out like fine silk.

"Mr...I mean Tony? This is (Y/N) the nurse from this morning?"You said softly biting your lower lip. It was silent for a moment before the call disconnected which confused you until you heard the rockets seeing him descending from the sky. Chuckling you put your phone into your jacket shaking your head slightly when he reveals himself from inside holding a rose out to you.

"I know you have just had a long shift but I don't think I can wait to take someone as caring as you out for a meal. You must be starving, and while it isn't the fanciest place I happen to know of a diner just down the street that is open 24 hours a day, that also happens to serve the best pie in the city. Would you mind joining me?"Tony asked sweetly.

"How can I say no to pie?"You giggled taking the rose and smelling it. "More so how can I say no to you?"


After Steve saved you and your sister from HYDRA's grasp you had become really close, and since you could heal among other things they asked you to stay. Working with Dr. Cho you really helped them figure out new things in regeneration and healing. Most days you were down in the medical infirmary with her but today Steve asked you to go on a run with him, Sam, and Bucky which you accepted. While you didn't really like to run, you really liked Steve I mean come on the guy was your knight in red, white, and blue armor. Not that you would ever say anything, you didn't want to compromise your friendship especially since you had never had many friends to begin with.

"You ready to go?"Steve asked as you met them at the door, water bottle in hand.

"As ready as I will ever be to do any sort of physical activity."You snarked back playfully earning a chuckle from Bucky and Sam. Steve just shook his head as you all took off towards Central Park, thankfully they were keeping up with you because you knew that they could all leave you in the dust without a trace. Suddenly they were all in front of you talking or arguing in whispers just out of earshot. Unscrewing the cap of your water bottle you took a swig deciding not to focus on the men in front, that was until Sam and Bucky took off in some kind of race against one another, or so it appeared.

"Is everything okay?"You asked as Steve came back to run with you after they had left you in the dust.

"Uh, yeah. Well no. See I've been wanting to ask this girl out and I've been having a hard time with it. They think I should just get it over with so they were trying to coach me. I guess what I am trying to say is...Will you go on a date with me?"Steve asked letting all of the words come out at once obviously flustered which you thought was adorable.

"I would love to Steve."You said earning a bright smile from him, one that you wish you could burn into your mind for all time.


After explaining what SHIELD was to you and what your job would be you decided to accept it. While it would kind of be like Army life you could be home more often, and you could make your own choices for the most part. It seemed like a good blend of both worlds, plus you would be working with the World's Mightiest Heroes so there wasn't really a downside. "So now that we have established that I will come work with your organization, I believe you said something about a date?" You inquired curiously. "Now you should know I haven't been on a date since high school so I doubt I'm going to be the best company so this is your last chance to back down."You joked looking to the man you now knew as Agent Clint Barton or Hawkeye to the Avengers.

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