Chapter Seven

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A Teachers Principle: Chapter Seven

      Three days had passed. Corey hasn't been in school all three of them. It makes me wonder if the new treatment hadn't gone well with his mother, but then again, it really wasn't any of my business being his teacher...

      Today was thankfully Friday. Of course my night would be filled with chores around the apartment and some around the classroom to be honest, but the weekend was here nonetheless.

      “So what are we doing today, Miss Syral?”

      I looked up and smiled at Nathan. “We're going to try to make more plans for the fundraisers.”

      “Sweet!” He shuffled to his seat as the others poured into the classroom.

      Legs appeared in my peripheral vision next to my desk. My gaze drifted up the persons body, before landing on their face. A quiet gasp skimmed passed my lips.

      Corey stood in front of me, his lip busted and eye black and blue. The lip was healing of course, a scab formed over top of the cut. He looked at me quizzically. “Everything okay?”

      “I should be asking you that!” I stood from my chair, gesturing my hand towards his face.

      “Oh, that.” He shrugged. “It was just a small mishap.” My eyes flickered worriedly over his face. He smirked. “What does it matter anyway, teacher?” He emphasized my job title.

      My eyes narrowed. “If it's school related or abuse, I have to report it.”

      “Good excuse.” He winked with his good eye. The bell rang, making everyone parade to their seats including Corey.

      Attendance went by quickly, so we began planning. Each and almost every one of them tossed in ideas and suggestions to raise money. We brainstormed three different events that would take place; a car wash, bake sale, and garage sale.

      The bake sale was the farthest away. It would take place several months from now. They suggested that we could have the bake sales at some of the school games. There was basketball and volleyball that took place inside of the school, so those would be the easiest games to be at.

      The car wash was going to be in late September here at the school as long as Mr.Croswell agreed with it.

      The garage sale would happen in less than a two weeks when the town festival occurred. The triplets had offered to use there garage and yard to have the sale at since they lived right on the main street. Corey said he could bring the tables to set up the items on and chairs so 'the workers' can sit. Stephanie offered to bring pizza and some soda.

      “Now,” I clapped my hands together to draw their attention once again. “Who has things that they can sell? Raise your hands so I can get an idea with numbers.” The whole class raised their hands. “Okay, good. That's awesome.” I smiled warmly, leaning back against my desk. “If you guys can't make it, just bring the things in a bag or box and put them on the counter over their,” I pointed to the spot. “More details will be discussed later on. I can give rides if they are needed, but I'll need a note saying it's alright from your guardian, signed and dated accordingly. Any questions?” No one said anything. “Alright, have a good weekend everybody!” They piled out as the bell rang.

      The books didn't really need to be straightened, but I made sure they were tucked tidily on their shelf. After pulling the cleaners and broom out, I shut the cabinet door. A scream started to bubble from my lips at the figure looming in the doorway.

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