Chapter Three

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     (((The picture on the side was created by wazeg2)))


A Teachers Principle: Chapter Three

     The innocent baby blue eyes stared at me cautiously, her small form hiding behind Corey’s lean legs. Her little hands gripped the fabric of his jeans tightly, her knuckles white as she gazed up at me around him. “Annie May, I’d like you to meet Miss Syral.”

    I bent down to her level with a smile. “You can call me Evelyn though.”

    She blinked it me, still cowering behind her brothers legs. “I only need you to watch her for two hours.” He reached behind his body and ruffled her sandy-blond curls. “That okay?”

    “Yeah.” I mumbled as I stood up to my full height.

    He leaned down and swung her up onto his hip. He nodded to a room off to the side before entering it, expecting me to follow.

    He set Annie on the counter, kissing her forehead once he set her down. “She hasn’t had dinner yet, it’s in the oven. You’re welcome to eat here as well. When we eat, we sit at the table. She can feed herself, so just give her a plate and fork, then let her have at it. She can watch t.v after if she wants. Her favorite show is Spongebob. There’s a new episode on at seven.”

    “Okay, so you’ll be back at eight right?”

    “That’s two hours, isn’t it?” He asked rhetorically, smirking before softening his gaze when he turned to Annie, carefully cupping her face in his hands. “You be good sweetheart. Evelyn will take care of you.”

    “Corey, don’t go.” She threw her small arms around him the best she could, trying to hold him in his spot, her little hands balled into fists with the fabric of his shirt gripped in them.

    “I’ll be back baby, I promise.” He kissed the top of her head, before slipping out of her reach.

    He nodded in my direction, before leaving the room.

    She sniffled, wiping away the one tear that had managed to slide down her cheek.

    “You hungry?” I asked softly. She nodded her head as I opened the oven door, inhaling the intoxicating scent from the food. Using potholders, I gripped the glass pan and pulled it out of the oven, setting it on the stove. As I peeled off the foil that covered the top, more aromas wavered out along with steam. I peeped through cupboards and drawers, grabbing silverware and plates.

    After piling the contents of some roast, potatoes, and cooked carrots onto the plates, I set them on the table. I helped Annie down from the counter. She scrambled to her chair and politely began to eat. “Want something to drink?” I questioned quietly as to not scare her.

    She nodded. “Milk.”

    I poured a small glass before folding myself into a chair near her. She ate her dinner deliberately, eating everything that had been portioned on her plate. With her, I savored the delicious taste of the meal, enjoying the homemade dinner.

    Time passed, little Annie May nestled on the couch, her footie pajamas already arranged on her for bed when Corey came home. She held her teddy bear, Fuzzy, to her chest, her blanket burrowed under her head as a pillow as she laid on the couch, absorbed in the new episode of Spongebob.

    I made a plate for Corey and set it in the microwave before starts the dishes, placing them in the dry rack when I was done. The counters and stove tops sparkled before I finally stood back and sighed at my handiwork.

    Stepping into the living room, I accumulated my body into the rocking chair that was opposite from the t.v. and adjacent to the couch, watching as Spongebob laughed and tried to catch a pink jellyfish.

    I leaned my head back, enjoying this time to relax as for when I would return back to my apartment, loads of chores and laundry had to be done.

    Annie May glanced up at me with her sad baby blue eyes from her position before waddling her way to me, her blanket in tow, teddy clutched under her arm. She stood by my legs before attempting to crawl into my lap. I grinned at her sudden trust, pulling her onto my lap. Her breathing was audible as she laid her head on my chest over my heart, still watching Spongebob on the flat screen.

    We stayed that way until the front door clicked open and shut, indicating that Corey was home. Annie squealed, jumping off my lap in her excitement, her blanket and bear forgotten on the floor as she ran off to greet him. I walked after her, straightening my clothes as I went, putting a smile on my face to hide my tiredness.

    Fatigued was something I was becoming used to. With my job and with my father in the hospital, I hardly ever had time to do things for myself. Even eating and showering became an inconvenience at times.

    I entered the hallway, slowing as I saw the sight of him. Dirt was smudged on his cheek, tired lines creased in his forehead, bags underneath his eyes, and his clothes were covered in dust. He looked rough, his hair disheveled, sticking out in many different directions. He looked…sexy. I shook my head, erasing the thought out of my mind.

    “How was she?” He asked, glancing up at me.

    “She was a sweetheart. She’s washed up and ready for bed. Oh, and I put your dinner in the microwave.”

    “Alright, thanks.” He ran his fingers through his hair, dust floating to the ground as he did.

    “Do you want me to watch her a while longer so you can get washed up?” I bit the tender flesh on the inside of my lower lip, regretting my question. What was wrong with me? I shouldn’t even be here in the first place…

    He sheepishly smiled at me, stepping out of his work boots. “That’d be great.” He leaned down and kiss her forehead before he headed upstairs, Annie May pouting at his retreating form.

    We traveled back into the living room, her little figure hunched over in hindrance. “Where Corey go?” She asked, her bottom lip quivering.

    “To go clean up, sweetie.” I sat in the middle of the floor, pulling out a puzzle of a kitten and dog laying in the grass together. “Want to help me with this puzzle?” I dumped all the pieces on the floor as she sat across from me, distracting her with all of the different shapes and colors. She began placing the pieces together, starting with the corners and sides. Her smile started growing as she assembled the brainteaser, pleased with the outcome. My heart swelled with happiness, something it hasn’t experienced in a while.

    Bare feet padded across the wooden floor, Corey appearing in the living room. My eyes widened in shock. He wore nothing but a towel that was snuggly wrapped around his waist. His skin glistened, little water beads swelled in several places on his chest, intensifying his broad shoulders. His hair was still damp, strewing around his head in numerous directions. He appeared fresh and crisp, ready for anything that came his way.

    A dull ache formed in my lower abdomen. Exhilaration filled my body at the sight of him, appreciation filtered in my thoughts.

    A snigger filled the air as he scooped up Annie May in his arms. I gulped, looking away as I stood, brushing off invisible lint.

    He wiggled his eyebrows. “You want something?”


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