Chapter Two

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     (((The picture on the side was created by SophiaBloomfield)))


A Teachers Principle: Chapter Two

     Needles and tubes were hooked to my fathers body. A medical monitor attached to his chest, keeping track of his vital signs such as his cardiac rhythm. He had a breathing tube in his mouth, supplying his oxygen, practically breathing for him.

    My father has been here for three months. He had only been emitted to go through surgery on his shoulder; rotator cuff to be exact. He had gone through the surgery perfectly fine, but after, when he was waiting to leave, he endured a heart attack.

    I hated seeing my father this way. The man I knew was not like this. His coloring is always pale now, an ashy tone in his pigments. His hair was turning into several shades of grey as he laid there.

    Through the sheets and gown, I could see he was no longer hardcore muscles, instead he was only skin and bones, having withered away in time.

    My heels clip-clopped against the tiled floor as I walked over to kiss his cheek. He still slept, not stirring as my lips touched his clammy skin. His breathing was even, the machine clicking each time he released his breath.

    I sat near the window for better light, pulling out the papers to check and grade. I flipped through them, quickly reading through their short answers. Most of them had only been stuck in Home Economics by the Academic Administrator or ‘Dean’.

    As I went through the papers, I had noticed only 2 girls were in it, both of them having requested this class. They both new several things about cooking, but nothing about the techniques of sewing of making repairs on a home.

    Once I returned back to Corey’s paper, I smirked as I read through his answers once more. He was polite, but he also had some wit that he needed to be careful with. I had a feeling that he was the type to use heavy sarcasm towards people, no matter what authority they had over him. Shaking my head in dismay, I packed everything away again.

    Leaning over my father I whispered quietly in his ear.

    “The golden watch keeps sweet old time

    The hand ticks in treasured rhythms

    I say do not waste what can be lost

    For wisdom comes from this moment

    It is given to us as a delightful gift.”

    I backed away from him, leaving the ICU area and heading down to the hospital cafeteria. My head was bowed down as I exited the elevator for the ground level, accidentally bumping into some one, my purse and case flying open. Paper spewed out and the contents of my purse overflowed from my purse.  

    “Sorry!” I rushed on, leaning down to pick up all the things that had spewed all over the floor. “I should have been paying attention.”

    The person stayed silent, reaching down to help me. I picked up my purse and case as I stood, glancing around to see if I missed anything. My gaze flickered to the person, my eyes widening in shock.


    “Yup, that’s me.” His head was tilted downward, intently staring at the laminated square in his hand.

    My laminated square…

    My license!

    “Hey!” Snatching it out of his hands, I shoved it in my purse. The color draining from my face as my heart pounded heavily against my rib cage. My fingers fumbled with my case strap nervously as I waited for him to say something.

    “Nineteen, huh?”

    My heart felt like it dropped into my gut as I swallowed hard, my silence speaking clearer than words.

    He laughed. “I knew there was something odd about you being a teacher.”

    “Please don’t tell anyone!” I begged.

    “Why? What’s in it for me?”

    I bit my lip, lightly chewing on the tender skin. “Depends on what you want.”

    “Come on, lets discuss it at the cafeteria. I don’t want to interrupt your dinner.”

    I nodded, dumbly. Our footsteps echoed through the nearly empty halls, filling the awkward silence.

    He followed closely behind me as I dished lasagna and green beans onto my plastic plate, just about breathing down my neck. The lady rang up my tea and food, giving me a small smile from reorganization.

    She then turned to Corey, bringing him up into a long conversation, allowing pursue my escape. I sat at a table near the back of the dining area. Hunching over my plate, I picked at my food thoughtfully. What could he possibly want from me?…A teacher to be more exact!

    “Sorry about that.” He said, slipping into the seat across from me. “You don’t talk much, do you?”

    “There isn’t much for me to say. You know my secret.” I answered dully, twirling my fork. “So what can I do to make you keep it a secret?” I lifted my gaze to his, watching the raw emotions in his eyes.

    Sadness, eagerness, lust, and longing slipped across his green eyes, his pupils expanding in the dim light. “All you have to do is ask.”

    My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. This was absolutely incredulous. “That’s all I have to do?”

    He answered by nodding his head once, his eyes searching my  face.

    “Please don’t tell anyone. I am asking you, begging you not to. This is very important to me. They seem to so far respect me and I don’t want to lose that. It will only make my job harder and unpleasant. Corey, this means I lot to me.”

    “Damn, you’re good.” He said, a smile slipping across his features. His golden-brown hair swooped slightly over his right brow, his green eyes watching mine. He wore a plaid shirt that was snug around the muscle in his upper arms, the sleeves were rolled up messily to his elbows, and the front hung open, revealing a white beater. It wasn’t right of me to think so, but he was very good looking. “But,” he dragged on. “I need a favor. A favor you aren’t probably allowed to do.”


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